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Export Import Bank of the United States




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What can Ex-Im Bank offer you?

Ex-Im Bank offers a range of financing solutions for U.S. exporters and African buyers to expand trade between the United States and Sub-Saharan African countries. These programs offer you increased access to working capital, protection against commercial and political risk, and the ability to offer financing on competitive terms.

Ex-Im Bank's Advantages:

U.S. Exporters:

  • Offer your buyers financing on competitive terms
  • Extend open account terms
  • Increase current trade limits


  • Confirm Letters of Credit up to 360 days with coverage
  • Insure your short-term buyer credit, medium- and long-term loans
  • Offer competitive rates on medium- and long-term loans
  • Efficiently manage your risk profile and capital requirements

International Buyers:

  • Offer your buyers financing on competitive terms
  • Extend open account terms
  • Increase current trade limits

Ex-Im Bank's Products:

Export Credit Insurance
Ex-Im Bank provides U.S. exporters and lenders with a variety of short-term (generally up to 180 days) export credit insurance policies, allowing them to extend credit terms to international buyers with minimal risk. This is often more cost effective than bank financing or letters of credit.  Short-term export credit insurance is generally used for transactions involving non-capital goods and services. Medium-term insurance policies are used to arrange financing for capital goods with repayment terms of up to five years. Ex-Im Bank’s insurance policies cover up to 85 percent of the medium-term contract value. Learn more about Export Credit Insurance.

Commercial Loan Guarantees
Ex-Im Bank guarantees repayment of medium- and long-term loans extended by commercial banks to African buyers to finance the purchase of U.S. goods and services. Ex-Im Bank guarantees cover 100 percent of the principal and interest (fixed or floating rate). With Ex-Im Bank’s 100 percent cover for the risk of loss under the direct loan and guarantee programs, U.S. exporters and commercial banks are able to provide attractive financing terms critical to achieving export success in today’s challenging global marketplace. More details about Commercial Loan Guarantees.

Working Capital Guarantee
Ex-Im Bank's working capital financing enables U.S. exporters to obtain loans that facilitate the export of goods or services. These working capital loans, made by commercial lenders and backed by our guarantee, provide you with the liquidity to accept new business, grow your international sales and compete more effectively in the international marketplace. More detailed product information on Working Capital.

Project Finance
Ex-Im Bank can consider project financing in most African countries. Under project financing structures, lenders depend on the proceeds from the project for repayment and do not rely on recourse to foreign governments, financial institutions or established corporations. Ex-Im Bank’s Project Finance Program helps U.S. exporters compete in new international growth industries such as private power, telecommunications and other infrastructure sectors. Ex-Im Bank enables the U.S. exporter to offer a more attractive comprehensive financing package to African purchasers. For more information, see Project Finance.


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Updated: August 16, 2007





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