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1. How do I obtain information on the Slovenia market?

The Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana identifies the industry sectors that offer the most potential for U.S. products and services, and prepares market research reports on an ongoing basis. If you would like us to conduct customized market research for you, please contact our office.

2. Does Slovenia import my product? How much? Who are the major potential buyers?

The Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana uses a variety of resources, including in-country databases and local expertise, to provide you with import statistics and a list of the top ten potential importers for your product. An overview of the Slovenian market can be found in our Country Commercial Guide. For more information, please contact one of our trade specialists.

3. Which industry sectors offer the best opportunities?

The Country Commercial Guide for Slovenia lists the leading sectors for U.S. exports and investment in Slovenia.

4. Where can I find tariff information for Slovenia?

For detailed information, please visit the Commercial Service’s Country Tariff and Tax Information website.

5. Where can I obtain a list of U.S. companies in Slovenia?

The American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia produces a number of publications every year, including a listing of American organizations in Slovenia. For further details, please visit AmCham Slovenia.

6. How can I find a Slovenian agent or distributor for my products?

The Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy offers a variety of services and tools to help U.S. exporters find partners. Please refer to our “Services for U.S. Companies” section for a list of our services, or contact one of our trade specialists directly.

7. How can I obtain a list of trade shows in Slovenia?

Participating in local trade shows is an excellent way to contact Slovenian potential buyers and to gain market exposure. Every year U Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy supports a number of trade shows and events carefully selected by its team of country experts.

8. Can U.S. Commercial Service help me resolve a complaint against a Slovenian company?

If your firm is having difficulties with a Slovenian company, please feel free to contact us and provide detailed information about the situation, contact data, and documented proof of unsuccessful attempts at resolving the problem. We will analyze your case and provide assistance accordingly. Please be advised that the Embassy, by its own initiative, does not intervene in questions arising from private transactions. It does however attempt to clarify misunderstandings.

9. Where can I find information pertaining to trade with the European Union in general?

The U.S. Mission to the European Union can provide helpful information about EU standards and regulations, how to access markets in key sectors, find procurement opportunities, and much more. For more detailed information, please refer to U.S. Mission to the European Union or visit http://europa.eu/index_en.htm

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