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CPT Joe Swiecki

CPT Joe Swiecki, describes the Special Forces and his personal experience. Mental and physical training, "key is the mental part ", survival, unique capabilities, together as a team.

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CPT Joe Swiecki

CPT Joe Swiecki, describes the Special Forces and his personal experience. Mental and physical training, "key is the mental part ", survival, unique capabilities, together as a team.

My name is Captain Joe Swiecki, I'm assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group, based out of Fort Carson, Colorado.
Joining Special Forces has always been a goal of mine, from when I first initially joined the Army, and I firmly believe that Special Forces soldiers are the finest soldiers in the world.
The training we go through has prepared these guys, mentally and physically, for anything. And the key is the mental part. They're mentally tougher than anyone you'll see around.
Any environment, any area, any part of the world, they can survive and they can thrive in.
Each member of Special Forces has his own unique capabilities.
We have engineers, we have weapons experts, we have medics. But really, we aren't a true success until we come together as a team.
And that's what an Army of One really represents.
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