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Embassy Sections

The Executive Office

The Executive Office consists of the Ambassador, Deputy Chief of Mission and staff that handles protocol issues.  The Ambassador, assisted closely by the DCM, is responsible for the direction, coordination and supervision of all United States Government personnel and programs in Albania.

The Consular Section

The Consular Section provides services to both American and Albanian citizens.  The American Citizen Services unit assists Americans with passport renewal, registration of Americans living in Albania, birth reports for children of American citizens born in Albania, voter registration, income tax forms, notarial services, federal benefits and emergency services.

The Visa Section processes applications for Albanian citizens wishing to travel to the United States with temporary, immigrant and diversity visas.  These include visas for tourists, businesses, students and temporary work permits. (Consular Affairs)

The Public Affairs Section

The Public Affairs Section explains American foreign policy to a wide range of audiences (students, academics, media, NGOs, business and government officials) and promotes U.S. national interests through a variety of information, educational and cultural programs to increase mutual understanding between citizens of both countries. (Public Affairs)

The Political and Economic/Commercial Section

The Political and Economic/Commercial Section promotes U.S. policy interests, as well as commercial opportunities for American businesses. The top priorities are to support and strengthen U.S.-Albanian bilateral ties. The section works closely with Albanian officials, international organizations, corporations and private Albanian citizens on a wide variety of political, economic and commercial issues of interest to both our nations.

U.S. Agency for International Development

Since 1992, USAID has delivered over $500 million in foreign aid to support Albania’s development, stability, and integration into Europe.  USAID’s programs in Albania strengthen governmental accountability and transparency, reduce corruption, increase private sector competitiveness, help ensure a reliable and affordable energy supply, and improve the governance of healthcare.  USAID supports partnerships in the fields of innovation and technology to improve infrastructure and the business environment.    

Defense Attaché Office

The Defense Attaché Office (DAO) is the principal military-to-military liaison between the Albanian Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as the countries' respective military services.  The DAO also sponsors exercises and practical training with Albania’s military forces. (Department of Defense)

Office of Defense Cooperation

The Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) is located at the Albanian Ministry of Defense and manages a variety of security assistance programs.  These programs provide training and equipment to support the modernization of Albania’s military as well as humanitarian assistance. (United States European Command)

Department of Justice

The Department of Justice sponsors two programs aimed at improving Albania’s criminal justice and law enforcement sectors -- the Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training Program (OPDAT) and the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP).

OPDAT’s central mission is to assist the Albanian Government to develop criminal justice and law enforcement structures, with particular emphasis on public corruption, organized crime and human trafficking.  OPDAT is involved in reviewing criminal-justice legislation; training judges, police and prosecutors; providing law-enforcement equipment; and providing technical assistance aimed at establishing more effective law enforcement structures.

Since 1998, ICITAP has assisted the Albanian Government to develop the capacity to provide professional law enforcement services based on best policing practices, respect for human rights and the rule of law.  ICITAP offers support to the Ministry of Interior and the Albanian State Police.  This assistance comprises projects in border management and anti-trafficking; combating organized crime; police accountability and human resource management; academy and training development; and information management systems, including TIMS (Total Integration Management System). (Department of Justice)

Peace Corps

The goal of the Peace Corps Program is to support the capacity development of Albanians and Albanian organizations and institutions to promote organizational and economic development, improve health education practices and develop English language skills for full participation in the global community of nations.  More than 35 Peace Corps Volunteers are currently serving in virtually every region in Albania. Volunteers are promoting sustainable development through their activities in education, business development, organizational capacity building and health education. (Peace Corps)

Human Resources Office

The human resources office is responsible for a broad range of functions including recruitment and staffing, employee training and development, performance management and appraisal, employee relations, salary and benefits administration, employee policies and procedures, labor relations, position classification and career counseling.  The HR Office also provides expert advice to managers and supervisors on human resources issues and facilitating problem resolution. (Embassy Job Vacancies)