Official Documents
Tank Closure Documents


WMA-C - Waste Management Area C Closure Process

The Waste Management Area Performance Assessment (WMA-C PA) is the modeling tool that Ecology (through the Appendix I process) will use to evaluate the risks from landfill closure (i.e., waste left in place at WMA-C). The WMA-C PA is already being developed with extensive input from the regulators and stakeholders. This input is reviewed on a regular basis in a workshop setting that includes representatives of tribal nations, local and regional stakeholder groups, State and Federal regulators, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and USDOE Headquarters. Additionally, briefings on the WMA-C PA development process are provided periodically to a larger audience of stakeholders.The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) and the US Department of Energy (USDOE) will will soon be making decisions for closure of the first Hanford Site tank farm, designated as Waste Management Area-C. Various studies and plans have recently been published by USDOE to begin a dialogue on the WMA-C closure process.

Information Sheet (PDF)


Leak Inventory Assessment Reports


Tank Integrity Assessment Reports




Last Updated 06/25/2012 6:19 AM