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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Rural Health

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Reports and Manuals:

Community Health Workers Evidence Based Models Toolbox, August 2011

This toolkit provides information from “model” Community Health Worker (CHW) programs – those that are frequently implemented in rural communities with positive outcomes, CHW training, implementation, sustainability planning, evaluation and dissemination of best practices.

Rural Behavioral Health Programs and Promising Practices, June 2011

Sharing Best Practices: A Partner Approach to Addressing Substance Abuse in Appalachia Conference

Forum Proceedings: U.S.-Mexico Border Centers of Excellence Consortium

Report on Health IT Adoption 

A Manual on Effective Collaboration Between Critical Access Hospitals and Federally Qualified Health Centers

The central point of this manual is to illustrate that through cooperation and collaboration, CAHs and FQHCs, especially those in proximity to each other and serving similar communities, can better meet community need, enhance each other’s roles, and stabilize and expand needed services and rural delivery systems.

Flex Critical Access Hospital Health Information Technology Network Grant Evaluation Report

This report describes an evaluation of these grantees that were charged with designing, creating, and implementing functional pilot networks to improve coordination of care in their communities, and provide lessons learned for future providers and networks in adopting HIT.  

ORHP Participated in the "Community-Based Programs to Create a Community-Responsive Health Professions Workforce” Forum

Policy and Regulatory Announcements:

CMS Payment Changes for Services in Hospital Outpatient Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers

CMS Payment Changes for Services in Hospital Departments and Ambulatory Surgical Centers

CMS Changes to the Hospital and Critical Access Hospital Conditions of Participation to Ensure Visitation for All Patients

CMS Credentialing and Privileging of Telemedicine Physicians and Practitioners Proposed Rule

Program Announcements:

BPHC Program Assistance Letter on collaboration between FQHCs and other health care safety net providers

HRSA’s Bureau of Primary Health Care has issued a Program Assistance Letter encouraging Health Center Program grantees to collaborate with other health care providers.  It provides basic guidance and resources.