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Financial Information

Credit and Money Management

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Contains an informatinal article on saving money, a little here and there.

Provides resources and information on reaching financial success. From Ameriforce Publishing, Inc.

Learn budget debt reduction, wise use of credit, credit report and repair and much more through these articles, Newsletter, and Forum interaction... all for free.

America Saves is a nationwide campaign in which a coalition of nonprofit, corporate, and government groups helps individuals and families save and build wealth. Through information, advice, and encouragement, they assist those who wish to pay down debt, build an emergency fund, save for a home, save for an education, or save for retirement.

Contains information on credit cards and financial services for consumers.

Provides information on payday lending and how to avoid the debt trap. From Ameriforce Publishing, Inc.

Contains rates and news on auto loans, checking/ATM fees, credit cards, credit unions, home equity, money markets, mortgages, online finance, and savings. Also includes online calculator to "calculate the real cost of your debt."

Established in 1980, Credit Counselors, is a non-profit consumer credit counseling agency. Our goal is to provide money management counseling, including personal budget planning and consumer credit counseling and education to all age levels. Over the past 25 years, we've counseled over 500,000 families in the wise use of credit. This is experience you can count on and we look forward to providing you and your family with financial solutions as well

Contains a credit card search for the best rates.

Contains resources on credit reports, rebuilding credit, credit cards, loans and mortgages, and credit repair.

Provides information on how to deal with delinquent debt.

Provides an informational article regarding debit cards.

Order credit profile online also includes consumer center with resources.

Provides information solutions to consumers regarding consumer credit and credit advice.

Contains excellent information on homes, retirement, credit lines, credit cards, autos, savings, mutual funds, insurance, budgeting, stocks, and bonds.

Provides resources on how to get your finances in shape. From Ameriforce Publishing, Inc.

Learn more about how your credit report and credit score affect your ability to borrow money and stay healthy financially.

Contains tips on money management, career opportunities and financial facts.

Contains and online calculator to compare lower rates verses annual fees.

Contains personal finance and business forecasting guidance, financial news of the day, business forecasts, stock quotes, calculators, yields & rates, retirement advice, kids & money, great money sites, and financial Frequently Asked Questions.

Contains an informational article on how to manage your budget during summer vacation, when it becomes harder to manage.

Contains information about MasterCard also includes financial links and resources.

Money Management International (MMI) is a nonprofit, community service organization that provides professional financial guidance, counseling, community-wide educational programs, and debt management assistance. Money Management International (MMI), and its family of agencies, has over 46 years experience helping consumers regain financial control of their lives and reduce their debt liabilities. Thousands of consumers nationwide have chosen the Money Management International (MMI) Debt Management Program as an alternative to bankruptcy. Money Management International (MMI) is the largest full service, non-profit credit counseling agency affiliated with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC)

Provides helpful tips on how to set financial goals, organize your financial files, find a financial professional, understand your investment options and responsibilities, and be a wise borrower.

Features include calculating your retirement savings, index that tracks stocks, online Americans and their money survey, interactive mortgage calculator also includes links to more resources.

Provides a list of money saving tips to help you be successful in saving money.

Contains tips on personal budgeting.

Find out how much overdraft and bounced check fees can cost you and learn how to avoid these fees.

Contains investments, home and mortgage, insurance, taxes, banking and credit, small business, retirement, life events, saving and spending, and financial forums information and links.

A free online service of the FINRA Investor Education Foundation that offers unbiased information and tools to help servicemembers and their families learn to manage their money with confidence.

Provides features to look for when selecting a budgeting method.

Contains an online calculator to help with the decision to consolidate all debts.

Informational article from the FDIC including simple strategies for managing your money.

Simple tips to help you set goals, develop a budget, and manage your credit.

Contains consumer products and information on credit reports.

To learn to manage your debt, begin by using our debt load analyzer to see if you've already got too much to handle. Next, learn that not all debt is bad -- but you have to learn how to use the "good" debt in your financial plan. Finally, we'll look at the top 10 reasons why people are in debt. Some of the situations are unavoidable -- like losing your job or unexpected medical expenses -- but all can be managed with proper planning.

Includes information about Visa and other financial tips for consumers.

A budget is the most fundamental and most effective financial management tool available to anyone. This information guide provides information on budgeting, including the seven benefits of budgeting.

Your credit score shows how likely you are to pay a loan on time. Learn why your credit score matters, what good and bad scores are, the elements of your FICO credit score, and how to raise your score


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