Infographics: Applying Visual Design to Information


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How do you make data look good – and mean something too? Information graphics, or infographics as they’re commonly referred to, attempt to do just that: visualize data in an engaging way. Infographics turn numbers into pictures, or take select data and represent them in a way that is easy to understand and visually appealing….

Celebrating National Recovery Month and Associated Efforts to Strengthen Viral Hepatitis Services

Ronald Valdiserri

September marks the 23rd annual observance of National Recovery Month (Recovery Month).  Our colleagues at the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) organize Recovery Month as an observance to educate Americans on the fact that addiction treatment and mental health services can enable people with a mental and/or substance use disorder to live…

NIH Leadership at the XIX International AIDS Conference

Dr. Jack Whitescarver

The hosting of the XIX International AIDS Conference in our nation’s capital, Washington, DC, is a tremendous opportunity to reflect on how AIDS has affected the United States, and how the United States has worked to reduce the impact of the epidemic in the U.S. and around the world. The first cases of what we…

Increasing HIV Testing, Including Rapid Testing, in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs


Although the U.S. has made progress in reducing the number of new HIV infections among injection drug users and their sexual partners, CDC estimates that injection drug users represented 9% of new HIV infections in 2009 and 17% of those living with HIV in 2008.  Since the U.S. HIV/AIDS epidemic began, more than 175,000 injection…

Working Together to Face AIDS: How YOU Took Action for World AIDS Day

Co-authored by Jennie Anderson and Michelle Samplin-Salgado A month ago, we asked you a question: If a picture says a thousand words, how much would a picture of you holding a sign that says you’re “Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day” say? Could it help end stigma? Promote HIV testing? Your responses overwhelmed and inspired…

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s Statement for National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Last Sunday, September 27, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, National Institutes of Health, released a statement to acknowledge National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and research issues impacting gay men. To read the entire statement, visit the NIAID website. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director of NIAID Gay…

The Power of Blogs: Bloggers Unite on World AIDS Day


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Bloggers Unite. Blogging for hope.

World AIDS Day 2008 (December 1) is now less than two weeks away! Worldwide, an estimated 33 million people are living with HIV . In the United States, an estimated one million Americans are living with HIV. is partnering with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and Blog Catalog for Bloggers Unite on…

Communities of Color and New Media Use: Part II


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As we mentioned in our last post, after attending The United States Conference on AIDS we wanted to get a clearer understanding of internet and new media use among communities of color. To learn more we hosted a webinar, “Underserved Populations and New Media Use,” for over 100 of our Federal colleagues and their grantees…

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