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Hostage Negotiation Scenarios

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Top 500 Contributor
Level 1 MVP
Points 254
Steve Laudick posted on Thu, Sep 20 2012 7:35 AM

I have been tasked with setting up a Hostage Negotiation Team and I need some scenarios that apply to the correctional setting.  Everything I can find is for patrol, which is not much help.  Does your Department handle hostage negotiations?  If so could you put me in touch with someone who might be able to provide some scenarios?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Laudick


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Not Ranked
Points 94
I recommend reaching out to Sergeant Eric Holliday from Nerw Jersey Department of Corrections Special Operations Group. He is the Hostage Negotiator for the DOC and runs the team and training for this. You can tell him I gave you his contact info. Sergeant Eric Holliday N.J. Department of Corrections Special Operations Group PO Box 863 Stuyvesant Ave & Whittlesey Road Trenton, N.J. 08625 Office 1-609-826-5664 Fax 1-609-943-5754
Top 200 Contributor
Level 2 MVP
Points 665
I am forwarding your request to our Crisis Intervention Team Commander, Sgt. Angelini. Our CIT is trained in hostage negotiations and crisis intervention, and has trained other teams throughout the state and other states. He should be able to provide you with some materials.
Eric Troutman, Policy Director
Louisville Metro Corrections
Policy and Compliance Office
502-574-0995 (office)
502-817-6131 (cell)
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Points 5

Happy to be part of this forum, very informative, especially cause i'm from an Arabian country

Top 500 Contributor
Level 1 MVP
Points 254

Thank you for all your help. 

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