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Veterans' Employment and Training Service

State Level Employment Outcomes for Veterans and Disabled Veteransvets logo

State Workforce Agencies nationwide operate One-Stop Career Centers that provide employment and workforce information services in local communities.  These no cost centers serve employers or job seekers who access the services available.  State Workforce Agencies also provide supplementary and priority of service assistance to veterans and disabled veteran job seekers.

There are two key measures of the outcomes experienced by participating job seekers.  The first is the Entered Employment Rate (EER), which is the percent of the participants who are employed in the quarter after the last quarter in which they received services.  The second measure is the Employment Retention Rate (ERR), which is the percent of those entering employment who also are employed in the first and second quarters after entering employment.  The definitions established under the Common Measures for the EER and ERR were applied for the first time to the results reported by State Workforce Agencies through December 2005.  The results achieved by each State for these two measures, as applied to both veteran and disabled veteran participants, are presented below.

NOTE: Average earnings reflect wages paid in only two quarters. Approximate annual earnings can be obtained by doubling the reported average earnings.

Jun 2010 ETA 9002 D