""Home ""LESO Turn-In/Transfers
Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO)
Providing Support to America's Law Enforcement Community Since 1997


Request for Transfer

Items that are transferred to another LEA are reported to the State Coordinator. The State Coordinator forwards this information to LESO Headquarters to ensure the database is updated and to ensure the receiving agency is active in the 1033 Program.  Submit transfer request using the above request template

Request for Turn-in

Items that need turning in to a DLA Disposition Services Site (usually DEMIL items) must be coordinated with LESO Headquarters as they occur so that LESO can generate turn-in documentation.  The State Coordinator must complete the above request for turn-in template and provide to LESO Headquarters.  LESO uses the information to create a turn-in document.  The turn-in document is signed by the LESO representative and is faxed/scanned to the State Coordinator's office (DD Form 1348-1A)  The turn-in document must accompany the property being turned in to the DLA Disposition Services Site.

Demil Items:

Demilitarization is the act of destroying the offensive or defensive advantages inherent in certain types of military equipment.  Manual 4160.21-M-1, entitled “DoD Demilitarization Manual” governs all property that requires demilitarization.

Munitions List items (MLI) is property that is listed in the International Traffic in Arms Regulation, published by the U.S. Department of State (DoS).  The export of this property requires DoS approval and appropriate licensing.  There are two categories of MLI; those that require demilitarization (DEMIL), and those that do not.  A good example of a MLI requiring DEMIL is a “Peacekeeper” vehicle.

Commerce Control List Items:  Through its Export Administration Regulations, the Department of Commerce places export controls on many commodities, some of which can be obtained as DoD excess property through LESO.  The reasons for these controls include national security, antiterrorism, chemical and biological weapons, missile technology, nuclear proliferation, crime control, technology transfer, and scarcity of materials.  These regulations, in short, prohibit transfer of this property to foreign governments or non-U.S. citizens, without a validated export license.  How does this affect you?  When disposing of 1033 property, you should be aware of these regulations, and pass the information along with the property at the time of disposal. 

For questions concerning the information presented, please contact us at DRMSLESO@dla.mil
or our Toll Free Number:  1-800-532-9946.

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Page updated 05/09/2012