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Six Months Average Earnings of WIA Dislocated Worker Participants by Services Received

Six Months Average Earnings of WIA Dislocated Worker Participants by Services Received

This chart shows the numbers for WIA Dislocated Worker (DW) exiters who received core and intensive services and for those who received training services for Program Years (PY) 2006 through 2009. The number of DW exiters with training services is higher than the number of DW exiters with core and intensive services only in PY 2006. For all other Program Years the number of DW exiters who received core and intensive services is higher than the number of DW exiters who received training services. The gap is the greatest for PY 2009, followed by PY 2008, and in PY 2007 the number of exiters with training services is only slightly lower than the number of exiters with core and intensive services.