CES Employment & Earnings Table Redesign

The Current Employment Statistics program expanded the tables for Employment and Earnings Online to incorporate all employee data series introduced on February 5, 2010. The tables have also been redesigned to closely match the press release tables included in the Employment Situation release. The redesigned tables can be found here.

Seasonally Adjusted Data
Datatype Previous tables Reformatted tables

All employees

3 1a

Women employees

4 5a

Production employees

5 6a

Average weekly hours, production employees

8 7a

Average weekly overtime, production employees

8 7a

Average hourly earnings, production employees

11 8a

Diffusion indexes

6 Summary table

Indexes of aggregate weekly hours, production employees

9 9a

Average weekly hours, all employees

N/A 2a

Average weekly overtime, all employees

N/A 2a

Average hourly earnings, all employees

N/A 3a

Average weekly earnings, all employees

N/A 3a

Index of aggregate weekly hours, all employees

N/A 4a

Index of aggregate weekly payrolls, all employees

N/A 4a

Not Seasonally Adjusted Data
Datatype Previous tables Reformatted tables

All employees

12 1b

Women employees

13 5b

Production employees

N/A 6b

Average weekly hours, production employees

16 7b

Average weekly overtime, production employees

16 7b

Average hourly earnings, production employees

16,17 8b

Average weekly hours, all employees

N/A 2b

Average weekly overtime, all employees

N/A 2b

Average hourly earnings, all employees

N/A 3b

Average weekly earnings, all employees

N/A 3b

Index of aggregate weekly hours, all employees

N/A 4b

Index of aggregate weekly payrolls, all employees

N/A 4b


Last Modified Date: August 3, 2012