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Author(s): Salmon D, Akhtar A, Mergler M, Vannice K, Izurieta H, Lee G, Vellozzi, Garman P, Cunningham F, Gellin B, Koh H, Lurie N, H1N1 Working Group
Publication: Pediatrics
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: Influenza - H1N1
Author(s): Obama, B
Publication: Press Release
Subject: Disease
Disease: Influenza - H1N1
Author(s): Takacs CW, Duffy MR, Macias EA, Gibbons TF, Escobar JD, Burwell KN, Knight KK
Publication: American Journal of Preventive Medicine
Subject: Disease
Disease: Influenza - H1N1
Author(s): Blackwell JK
Publication: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Subject: Disease
Disease: Influenza - H1N1
Author(s): Banzhoff A, Pellegrini M, Del Giudice G, Fragapane E, Groth N, Podda A
Publication: Influenza and other Related Viruses 2008 Nov v2 n6 pp243-249
Subject: Vaccine-General
Disease: Influenza - H1N1
Author(s): Gaydos J, Top FH, Hodder RA, Russell PK
Publication: Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 12, No. 1
Subject: Threat
Disease: Influenza - H1N1