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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   Homeless Assistance   >   Homeless Assistance Programs   >   Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

This page provides information regarding the BRAC program that outlines a specific process by which local communities transition surplus military property to civilian uses, giving consideration to the needs of the homeless.


"BRAC" is an acronym that stands for Base Realignment and Closure. It is the congressionally authorized process the US Department of Defense has previously used to reorganize its base structure to more efficiently and effectively support our military forces, increase operational readiness and facilitate new ways of doing business.


Revelopment Process Overview
Major Steps That Make up the Base Redevelopment Process:

  • Step 1: Approval of BRAC Recommendations for Closures or Realignments
  • Step 2: Federal Screening for Potential Federal Reuse
  • Step 3: DOD's Recognition of the LRA
  • Step 4: LRA's Screening (Outreach) Actions
  • Step 5: Completion of the Redevelopment Plan and the Homeless Assistance Submission
  • Step 6: HUD's Review
  • Step 7: Military's Disposal of Buildings and Property

HUD's Role in the BRAC Process
reviews the LRA's reuse plan and determines whether the plan:

  • Considers the size and nature, and the availability of existing services to meet the needs of the homeless population.
  • Was developed in consultation with homeless assistance providers.
  • Considers the suitability of the buildings and property on the installation for needs and use of the homeless.
  • Balances the needs for economic and other development with the needs of the homeless for the communities within the vicinity of the installation.
  • Considers the economic impact of proposed homeless assistance on communities in the vicinity of the installation.
  • Specifies the manner in which the property will be made available.

HUD is available to provide technical assistance to the LRA and may negotiate and consult with the LRA before or during its preparation of the reuse plan. Local HUD Field Office staff can help link the LRA with homeless assistance providers, provide guidance on the process mandated by the Redevelopment Act, and facilitate linkage of the LRA and homeless assistance providers to sources of funding for reuse projects.


BRAC is authorized by the Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994, otherwise known as the Redevelopment Act.

HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) and DoD's Office of the Assistant Secretary for Economic Security jointly developed and published regulations that implement the Redevelopment Act. HUD's regulations are codified at 24 CFR 586.