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2007-2009 Power Rates
December 13, 2006 Workshop
Topic(s):  Presentation of the calculations for the True-up for the
LB CRAC 10 rate adjustment that was in effect from 
April 1, 2006, through September 30, 2006.
(updated on December 21, 2006)

Workshop Materials/Handouts
  1. December 1, 2006 letter (meeting invitation)
    (PDF, 1 page, 112 KB, posted December 13, 2006)
  2. Workshop Presentation (handout)
    (PDF, 10 pages, 104 KB, posted here on December 13, 2006)
Post-Workshop Materials
  1. Final LB CRAC 10 True-Up Results (issued Dec 20, 2006)
    (PDF, 10 pages, 110 kb, posted Dec 21, 2006 )
    LB CRAC 10 True-Up for April 2006 – September 2006
    [Note: There were no changes from the material issued during the workshop.]

  2. December 20, 2006 Letter (announcement/summary of final LB CRAC 10 True-Up results)
    (PDF, 1 page, 110 kb, posted Dec 21, 2006)

Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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