How to Review and Respond to Reports on

Welcome to the Business Portal.

For the first time, gives businesses an electronic way to read consumer reports about the safety of their products, comment on those reports, and have those comments posted publically by CPSC. Businesses can also submit claims that a report contains confidential or materially inaccurate information, which will trigger a review and determination of each claim by CPSC. In this video, we will walk you through the steps to review and respond to a report.

Once CPSC confirms that you are registered, you will receive an email with your UserID and an account activation link. Click on the link in the email to get started. You will be directed to create a password. Once a Report has been submitted about one of your company's products, you will receive an email transmitting the Report to you.

You can access the Report by clicking on the link in the email, which takes you into the Business Portal or by logging directly into the Business Portal at

After you log in, you will see a screen with all reports related to your business. You can sort these reports using the "View" pull-down menu. To comment on the report, click on the report number, and then click on the "General Comment" button. Type your comment into the pop-up box, and then choose whether you want your comment to be visible to the public. Finally, certify that your Comment is true and accurate, and submit your comment.

Comments that you elect to make visible will appear along with the Report in the Public Database. By clicking on the "General Comment" button again, you can submit additional comments to the CPSC. Reports will be posted on 10 business days after the CPSC sends the report to you.

You can respond to a report at any time before or after it is posted. There is no limit on the number of Comments or the timing of any Comments you may submit. However, you MUST submit your Comment in sufficient time for CPSC to review it before the Report is published-if you want your comment published in the Database at the same time the Report is published. In any event, the CPSC will review your Comments and, if you requested publication of the Comments, we will post them on as soon as is practicable.

Finally, make sure you do NOT use the general comment button for claims of materially inaccurate or confidential information for which you are requesting a review and determination of your claim by CPSC staff. There are separate buttons and fields for those claims.

If a Report contains information that you believe is confidential, click on the "Confidential Information" button. Tell us the exact portion of the Report that contains the claimed confidential information. You'll be asked other questions regarding confidentiality, and you can submit files to support your claim.

If you believe the Report contains materially inaccurate information, click on the "Materially Inaccurate Information" button. State the exact portion of the Report you believe is materially inaccurate, and explain why. Then answer the additional questions. You can also submit files to support your claim. You may request expedited treatment of your claim if you timely submit your claim, clearly mark your request for expedited treatment, and limit your claim to no more than 5 pages, including attachments. The CPSC will review all claims of confidential and materially inaccurate information as expeditiously as possible, and will notify you when a determination has been made.

We hope you find's Business Portal an efficient and easy tool to use as the CPSC and your business work together to keep consumers safe.

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CPSC does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of the Publicly Available Consumer Product Safety Information Database on, particularly with respect to information submitted by people outside of CPSC.