Updated: 2 June 1999 Operation Allied Force Update


2 June 1999

Operation Allied Force Update

NATO struck hard at Serb forces deployed in Kosovo, destroying a significant amount of artillery during Day 70 of Operation Allied Force.

NATO aircraft struck at least 32 pieces of artillery, nine armoured personnel carriers, eight mortar positions, six armoured vehicles, four other military vehicles, a SA-6 SAM site and assorted revetted positions. The heaviest strikes against Serb forces in Kosovo took place in the vicinity of Planeja and Mount Pastrik, where severe fighting continues between VJ/MUP forces and the UCK.

Other targets hit included:

Electric power transmission tower near Belgrade

Military barracks at Obrenovac

Air defense command center at Novi Sad

AM radio broadcast stations at:

  • Ruma
  • Srbobran

TV/FM relay site at Banjska

Radio relay site at Novi Pazar

Highway bridge at Pirot

Railway bridge at Pirot

Petroleum refueling station at Marash

Petroleum storage site at Sombor

Ammunition storage site at Kursumlija

NATO aircraft flew a total of 575 sorties, including 197 strike sorties and 70 suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) missions. The weather in the operating region was mixed yesterday, leading to the cancellation of some sorties. All NATO aircraft returned safely. Allied Force operations are underway on Day 71. Further details will be available at the NATO morning update at 1030.

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