Updated: 29 May 1999 Operation Allied Force Update


29 May 1999

Operation Allied Force Update

NATO again enjoyed considerable success against the full range of strategic and ground force targets on Day 66 of Operation Allied Force. NATO aircraft identified, targeted and struck Serb forces in Kosovo, including at least 17 artillery pieces, two tanks, armoured personnel carriers, two mortar positions, anti-artillery artillery, and other military vehicles. Other areas targeted:

Airfields at:

  • Ponikve
  • Sjenica

Ammunition storage sites at:

  • Valjevo
  • Kosovska Mitrovica
  • Kursumlija
  • Pristina
  • Boljevac
  • Vrsac
  • Kraljevo

Petroleum storage at Batajnica airfield

Radio relay station at Pristina

TV/FM relay station at Uzice

AM radio broadcast station at Pristina

Command post at Livadica

Highway tunnel at Sremska Kaminica (used for supply storage)

Military barracks at:

  • Prizren
  • Sremska Mitrovica
  • Cuprija

NATO flew 639 sorties, including 218 strike and 78 suppression of air defence missions. All NATO aircraft returned safely. Allied Force operations are underway on Day 67. Further details will be available at the NATO morning update at 1030.

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