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Wireless Communications

INL operates a comprehensive wireless test bed spread across 890-square miles of federally-owned land.

Idaho’s isolated, high-desert landscape provides an ideal location for open-air experimentation with wireless technology.

Wireless Communications

INL owns and operates an unmatched communications network designed to research and test cellular, mobile and emerging Internet communication protocols and technology. Our wireless engineers operate both fixed and mobile 3-G platforms that allow testing and demonstration within a range of experimental frequencies in a low-background environment.

Our power and cyber engineers are widely recognized for their efforts to improve the security of current and next-generation industrial control systems and component devices. And cyber team members work to develop cutting-edge defensive strategies against exploits, malware and zero-day attacks by analyzing protocols, developing code and reverse engineering.

We routinely conduct advanced cyber training and oversee simulated competitive exercises for national and international customers. And we support cybersecurity and control systems programs for the departments of Homeland Security, Energy and Defense. Our staff is frequently asked to provide guidance and leadership to standards organizations, regulatory agencies and national policy committees.


Quick Facts

  • INL’s open space and infrastructure networks allow us to function like a small city with a series of telecommunications and Internet service providers.
  • Our capabilities include telecommunications design, systems deployment and integration, simulation research, high-performance computing, cybersecurity, and process control systems.
  • INL has experienced communications engineers working across the cellular, WiMax, HF UHF, radar, antenna, and satellite fields.
  • INL is authorized by the NTIA to operate as an experimental radio station enabling local authority and management of frequency on a noninterference basis with local spectrum users.

    Learn more about INL's Wireless Research Center


    Department of energy

    DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
    DOE-Idaho Office