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2007 Wholesale Power (WP-07) Rate Case
July 26, 2005 Workshop
Topics:  Repayment Study & Revenue Requirement;  Rate Design / Customer Feedback;  7(b)(2) Rate Test
(updated on March 13, 2006)

Workshop Materials/Handouts
  1. July 13, 2005 Letter (workshop announcement)
    (PDF, 99 kb, posted July 13, 2005)
  2. Agenda (handout)
    (PDF, 1 page, 16 kb, posted here on March 13, 2006)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on July 25, 2005.  It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
  3. Revenue Requirement (handout)
    (PDF, 11 pages, 45 kb, posted here on March 13, 2006)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on July 25, 2005.  It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
  4. Rate Design (handout)
    (PDF, 4 pages, 22 kb, posted here on March 13, 2006)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on July 25, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
  5. 7(b)(2) Rate Test (handout)
    (PDF, 4 pages, 45 kb, posted here on March 13, 2006)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on July 25, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
Post-Workshop Materials
  1. Repayment Model Bond Rollover Feature (related to Revenue Requirement)
    (PDF, 2 pages, 18 kb, posted here on March 13, 2006)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on July 28, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
  2. Generation Non-Federal Debt Service (related to Revenue Requirement)
    (PDF, 1 page, 18 kb, posted here on March 13, 2006)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on August 10, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]

Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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