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2007 Wholesale Power (WP-07) Rate Case
April 20, 2005 Workshop
Topic(s):  Risk Mitigation
(updated on August 23, 2005)

Note:  This was the first WP-07 rate case workshop and was a follow-up to the April 6, 2005, Power Function Review (PFR) Technical Workshop on Risk Mitigation.

Workshop Materials/Handouts
  1. April 14, 2005 Letter (workshop announcement)
    (PDF, 99 kb, posted April 14, 2005)
    [Note: This letter also announced tentative follow-up workshops on May 4 and May 18, 2005. The May 4 workshop was later cancelled.]
  2. Agenda (handout)
    (PDF, 109 kb, posted here on August 23, 2005)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on April 20, 2005. It was reposted here without any changes (except for a minor change to the PDF file name).]
  3. RiskMod Risk Analysis Information Flow (handout)
    (PDF, 1 page, 101 kb, posted here on August 23, 2005)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted as a PowerPoint file in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on April 20, 2005. It was converted to a PDF file after the workshop and posted here (without any changes to the original content).]
Post-Workshop Materials (ToolKit Model Files)
  1. Notes on Version 2.14 of the ToolKit Model (dated May 9, 2005)
    (PDF, 53 kb, posted here on August 23, 2005)
    [Note: The document posted here was originally posted as an MS Word file in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on May 13, 2005. It was later converted to a PDF file and posted here (without any changes to the original content).]
  2. ToolKit Model (Version 2.14) (posted here on August 23, 2005)
    (6 files, compressed file size = 10 MB, total uncompressed file size = 33 MB)
    Download Options:  Self-extracting (.exe) or Zipped (.zip)
    Note:  This compressed (single download file) archive of the model includes the "Notes" (PDF file) described above and the five (5) Excel files described below:
    • ToolKit Model (TK_2-14_5-May-05.xls) (5.1 MB)
      [Note: This file was originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on May 13, 2005. It replaced the Version 2.13 file that was posted in the "Queue" on May 4, 2005, and the Version 2.11 file that was posted in the "Queue" on April 20, 2005.]
    • RiskMod Input Files
      [Note: These input files were originally posted in the Power Rates Document "Queue" on May 3 & 4, 2005. The first three files replaced the input files that were posted in the "Queue" on April 20, 2005.]
      • RiskMeasure_0%_03-May-05-updated.xls (6.8 MB)
      • RiskMeasure_50%_03-May-05-updated.xls (7.0 MB)
      • RiskMeasure_100%_03-May-05-updated.xls (7.0 MB)
      • RiskMeasure_Linc1_100%_20-Apr-05.xls (7.0 MB)

Archive of content originally posted or last updated on:  August 23, 2005
Content originally provided by:  Michael Normandeau, BPA Power Business Line.
Content provided by:  Greg Gustafson, 503-230-5820, gcgustafson@bpa.gov.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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