International AIDS Conference Day 1: Dr. Koh speaks on the National HIV/ AIDS Strategy

It is an honor to represent the Department of Health and Human Services and to be part of the U.S. Delegation at the 2010 International AIDS Conference Exit Disclaimer in Vienna, Austria. On the opening day of the conference, I provided remarks at the session, A Discussion on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. A video of the entire session is below (courtesy of the Kaiser Family Foundation) Exit Disclaimer.

Last week was extraordinary when the Obama Administration unveiled a National HIV/AIDS Strategy and a framework for moving forward.

This Strategy was shaped by the voices of many, including those living with HIV, and pays tribute to those we have lost to this epidemic.

It reflects the passion and compassion of many dedicated people over the years. We are proud that it demonstrates the Administration’s commitment to confront and overcome the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the U.S.

This comprehensive, cross-government Strategy outlines immediate and short term actions the U.S. government will take to:

  • Put our resources where HIV/AIDS is hitting communities the hardest;
  • Put forward strategies that will achieve the greatest results; and
  • Put evidence-based science first.

The Strategy represents an ambitious vision for the U.S. to achieve a more integrated and coordinated domestic response to the epidemic by realigning our programs, redirecting our resources and re-energizing national and local commitment.

Dr. Koh talking with Dr. Jack Stein, Senior Advisor to ONDCP

Dr. Koh talking with Dr. Jack Stein, Senior Advisor to ONDCP

As the Assistant Secretary for Health, I am now honored to be charged by our Secretary for Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, to coordinate and map out a more detailed implementation plan.

However, the U.S. Government cannot achieve the Strategy's goals alone. Achieving these essential goals will require unprecedented levels of coordination among U.S. Government agencies, with State and local government, and with leaders and colleagues throughout our country.

We have much to accomplish in the next 150 days to develop this detailed implementation plan. We look forward to working with you shoulder-to-shoulder. This Plan holds the promise for a healthy nation for the future.

Watch brief comments from Dr. Koh on the National HIV/AIDS Strategy:

Posted in: Conferences, National HIV/AIDS Strategy


  1. This applies to aid victims in India/the aid patient approach me for testing /They will never go to the govt.sponsored civil hospitals as there is no confidentiality.In a conservative Indian society,I am prepared to die of aids but would not like my status to be made available to others as it would mean that my children would be expelled from school and my wife would face social ostracized.
    I suggested the Japanese surgeon’s system of security/In Japanese Industrialised society,no girl is virgin but it is an oriental society the girl must be virgin before marriage,hence hymen plasticity is carried out .The highest earning surgeon in the world is the one carrying out this operation where the gut of the sheep is made in to a hymen.
    His system must be publicized in India to save aids patient(Potential).When a girl approaches,he asks her to click the mouse and get a random number,that is her identification as against this in India ,we insist on name & address,which should be changed .I come from a place in India(KHURJA,DISTT.Bulandshahr,U.P.)which has the highest aids patient,WHY????????????
    There is a place in India in Gujarat ALANG a port where all old ships are broken up,the worker are recruited from my village.They do not go with their females indulge in sex and come infected with aids.
    This is the real scenario in my country

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