The United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

Country Ownership

PEPFAR's commitment to the principles of country ownership highlights a new focus on engaging in true partnership with countries. These partnerships pave the way for new approaches to foreign assistance based upon principles and directions common to partner country plans and USG objectives. Over the next five years, PEPFAR's emphasis on country ownership will include:

  • Continuing bilateral engagement through its Partnership Frameworks and other efforts to promote and develop a more sustainable response to the local epidemic, whether concentrated or generalized;
  • Ensuring that the services PEPFAR supports are aligned with the national plans of partner governments and integrated with existing health care delivery systems;
  • Strengthening engagement with diplomatic efforts at all levels of government to raise the profile and dialogue around the AIDS epidemic and its linkages with broader health and development issues;
  • Expanding technical assistance and mentoring to country governments, in order to support a capable cadre of professionals to carry out the tasks necessary for a functioning health system; and
  • Partnering with governments through bilateral, regional and multilateral mechanisms to support and facilitate South-to-South technical assistance.

Programmatic Strategy: In this second phase of PEPFAR, a new program strategy is underway that supports the Administration's overall emphasis on improving health outcomes, increasing program sustainability and integration, and strengthening health systems. Some of these changes are already being implemented with planning and programming for FY 2010. Over the next year, PEPFAR will be working closely with country teams in order to translate, prioritize, and implement this strategy in a manner appropriate to the country context. More information on the broader strategic framework for PEPFAR activities can be found in the strategy annexes which will be made available at Demonstrating its commitment to country ownership, please note that PEPFAR support represents ODA given as grants for specific projects and is not tied aid.

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