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Results 1 - 10 of about 26 records found

Product CodeTitle/Abstract
Spanish - Basic Course, Units 1-15 (Audiocassettes).

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The course in Latin American dialect prepares students to function effectively in conversations. Pronunciation, inflection, and intonation are heavily stressed. Units 1-15 introduce gender present tense of verbs whose infinitives end in 'ar', 'er', and 'i...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Basic Course, Units 16-30 (Audiocassettes).

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Units 16-30 present supplemental readings, past tenses, irregular verbs, and reflexive pronouns.
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Basic Course, Units 31-45 (Audiocassettes).

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Units 31-45 introduce nominalized verbs and adjectives, numbers, past progressive and present subjunctive verb forms, days of the week, months, and colors.
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Basic Course, Units 46-55 (Audiocassettes).

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Units 46-55 drop the phonetic spellings, introduce past, past perfect and present perfect subjunctives, conditional tenses, the passive voices, and noun-forming suffixes.
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Basic Course, Units 46-55 (Audiocassettes and text).

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Units 46-55 drop the phonetic spellings, introduce past, past perfect and present perfect subjunctives, conditional tenses, the passive voices, and noun-forming suffixes.
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Programmatic, Volume 1 (Textbooks).

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Student manual and instructor manual which accompany AVA09992.AE00 Spanish Programmatic-Volume 1. Volume 1 in Latin American dialect is intended to lead you to a minimum professionally-useful level of proficiency. The course offers five learning modes a...
Year: 1995
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Programmatic, Vol. 2 (Textbooks).

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The books accompany the audio cassettes entitled Spanish Programmatic, Vol. 2.
Year: 1984
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Basic Course, Units 16-30 (Audiocassettes and text).

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Units 16-30 present supplemental readings, past tenses, irregular verbs, and reflexive pronouns.
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish - Programmatic, Volume 1 (Audiocassettes and text).

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Spanish programmatic in Latin American dialect is intended to lead you to a minimum professionally useful level of proficiency. The course offers five learning modes as follows: introduction, dialogue, grammatical practice, variations, and application. Th...
Year: 1983
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Spanish for Latin America - Headstart. Module 1: Getting to Know You (VHS 1/2 inch) (Video).

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The program includes the following units: (1) Greeting and Introduction; (2) How Long Have You Been Living in Panama; (3) Where Do You Live.
Year: 1984
Source Agency: AVDLI

Collection: NAC
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