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Results 1 - 2 of about 2 records found

Product CodeTitle/Abstract
More - Basic Course (Audiocassettes).

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More, the major language of western Africa, is spoken principally in Upper Volta. The course is divided into three cycles. Cycle one is devoted mainly to socially useful expressions and to general notes on social usage and the major points of grammar. Cyc...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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More - Basic Course (Audiocassettes and text).

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More, the major language of western Africa, is spoken principally in Upper Volta. The course is divided into three cycles. Cycle one is devoted mainly to socially useful expressions and to general notes on social usage and the major points of grammar. Cyc...
Year: 1966
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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