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Results 1 - 10 of about 12 records found

Product CodeTitle/Abstract
Arabic - Levantine, Introduction to Pronunciation.

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The levantine Arabic course consists only of an introduction to the pronunciation of the language.
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVFSI

Collection: NAC
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Saudi Arabic Headstart (Audiocassettes and text).

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Saudi Arabic headstart is designed to help you communicate with Saudis in several basic situations. You will be able to exchange common courtesies, so important in Arab countries; ask for directions; make an appointment; get your car fixed; get help in a ...
Year: 1980
Source Agency: AVDLI

Collection: NAC
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Syrian Arabic through Video - An Enrichment Course (Supplemental Materials).

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The unique course enables the viewer to learn Syrian Arabic through authentic video. Filmed mostly in Damascus, the course uses only native speakers of the dialect. Task-based activities on a variety of topics help build listening comprehension skills at ...
Year: 1995
Source Agency: AVCALL

Collection: NAC
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Syrian Arabic through Video - An Enrichment Course (Audio/Visual Media Package).

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The unique course enables students to learn Syrian Arabic through authentic video. Filmed mostly in Damascus, the course uses only native speakers of the dialect. Task-based activities on a variety of topics help build listening comprehension skills at th...
Year: 1995
Source Agency: AVCALL

Collection: NAC
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Syrian Arabic through Video - An Enrichment Course (Print Materials Only).

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The course on Syrian Arabic includes the supplemental booklet, teacher's guide and answer key, student workbook and resource guide.
Year: 1995
Source Agency: AVCALL

Collection: NAC
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Syrian Arabic through Video - An Enrichment Course (Teacher's Guide and Answer Key).

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This unique course enables students to learn Syrian Arabic through authentic video. Filmed mostly in Damascus, the course uses only native speakers of the dialect. Task-based activities on a variety of topics help build listening comprehension skills at t...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVCALL

Collection: NAC
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Syrian Arabic Language Program - Transcripts.

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The unique course enables students to learn Syrian Arabic through authentic video. Filmed mostly in Damascus, the course uses only native speakers of the dialect. Task-based activities on a variety of topics help build listening comprehension skills at th...
Year: 1996
Source Agency: AVCALL

Collection: NAC
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Syrian Arabic Language Program - Student Workbook.

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The unique course enables the student to learn Syrian Arabic through authentic video. Filmed mostly in Damascus, the course uses only native speakers of the dialect. Task-based activities on a variety of topics help build listening comprehension skills at...
Year: 1995
Source Agency: AVCALL

Collection: NAC
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Al-Mumtaaz version 2. (CD-ROM)

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Use native speakers to introduce Arabic culture, script, sounds, basic vocabulary, useful expressions, and introductory grammar. Students can record and compare their pronunciation with that of a native speaker. Designed for self-study or classroom use, b...
Year: 1997
Source Agency: AVSOLO

Collection: NAC
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Iraqi Dialect Orientation Course (Operation Desert Shield) (Audiocassettes and text).

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The course is designed to meet the immediate needs of Operation Desert Shield and to supplement already existing unit Arabic materials. It is anticipated that the audience of this course will include both non-modern standard Arabic linguists and modern st...
Year: 1991
Source Agency: AVDLI

Collection: NAC
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