WASHINGTON – The prestigious Aspen Institute’s Homeland Security Group Tuesday issued a powerful endorsement for the revised, bipartisan cybersecurity legislation introduced by Senators Joe Lieberman, Susan Collins, Jay Rockefeller, Dianne Feinstein, and Tom Carper.

A statement signed by 18 leaders in the fields of homeland security, national security, intelligence, and law enforcement – over half of whom were Bush administration appointees confirmed by the Senate -- said, “The Aspen Homeland Security group strongly urges the Senate to vote this week to take up S. 3414, the cybersecurity bill,  for debate on the floor… The country is already being hurt by foreign cyber-intrusions and the possibility of a devastating cyber attack is real.”

The full statement follows:

“The Aspen Homeland Security Group strongly urges the U.S. Senate to vote this week to take up S3414, the cyber-security bill, for debate on the floor. We urge the Senate to adopt a program of voluntary cyber-security standards and strong positive incentives for critical infrastructure operators to implement those standards. The country is already being hurt by foreign cyber-intrusions, and the possibility of a devastating cyber-attack is real. Congress must act now.”

Charles E. Allen

Stewart A. Baker

Richard Ben-Veniste

Peter Bergen

Michael Chertoff

P.J. Crowley

Clark K. Ervin

Jane Harman

Michael V. Hayden

Michael Leiter

James M. Loy

Paul McHale

John McLaughlin

Phillip Mudd

Eric T. Olson

Guy Swan III

Juan Zarate

Philip Zelikow


The original statement can be seen here.

Media Contact

Leslie Phillips (Lieberman) 224-2853

E.R. Anderson (Collins) 224-4751

Vince Morris (Rockefeller) 224-1674

Brian Weiss (Feinstein) 224-9629

Emily Spain (Carper) 224-2441