Tag Archives: Cuba

The Martís Cover a Hunger Strike in Cuba


  Radio Martí has been at the forefront of coverage of a hunger strike by Marta Beatriz Roque and other Cubans who are demanding the release of fellow dissident Vázquez Chaviano. Since Roque began her hunger strike on Sept. 9, she has been in regular Read more »

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Thousands Turn to TV Martí for News on Food Import Taxes


Miami –  TV Martí’s YouTube channel is attracting an audience of thousands as users flock to the site seeking news about the return of a customs duty tax on food entering the island. In one week, more than 6,000 people turned to TV Martí’s channel Read more »

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The Martís Take Part in Cuba Nostalgia


The Martí’s participated in the 9th annual Cuba Nostalgia event May 18-20. The event brings together all things Cuban in Miami. There were cigar makers, exhibits, vendors and traditional Cuban food. This year Cuba Nostalgia not only marked the 110 tenth anniversary of Cuba’s independence Read more »

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García Pérez on OCB’s Digital Outreach to Cuba

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The Office of Cuba Broadcasting is using a range of new and emerging technologies to reach the Cuban people, OCB Director Carlos García Pérez told a conference in Washington. “They are thirsty for information. They are thirsty for technology. Our big issue is access,” García Read more »

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TV Martí Obtains Video of Chaviano Arrest in Cuba


In a video obtained by TV Martí, Jorge Vazquez Chaviano, a Cuban dissident who is under house arrest, is taken into custody by Cuban authorities. Chaviano violates his house arrest by stepping outside and yelling “down with terrorism, down with the Castros, long live liberty Read more »

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