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Guidance for Industry Recommendations for Deferral of Donors and Quarantine and Retrieval of Blood and Blood Products in Recent Recipients of Smallpox Vaccine [Vaccinia Virus] and Certain Contacts of Smallpox Vaccine Recipients
DoD Directive 6205.3, "DoD Immunization Program for Biological Warfare Defense"—This 1993 directive establishes policy and provides guidance for immunization to protect U.S. personnel against biological warfare threats and for the development and acquisition of vaccines for biological warfare defense.
Author: Armed Forces Epidemiological Board
Author: Winkenwerder
DoD Policy for Smallpox and Persons with Cardiac Conditions
Author: Winkenwerder
Clarification of Service Responsibilities in Vaccinating Department of Defense [DoD] Personnel and Dependents Assigned to Department of State [DoS] Missions and in High Threat Areas
Author: Wolfowitz
Vaccination of Department of Defense [DoD] Personnel and Dependents Assigned to Department of State [DoS] Missions and in High Threat Areas
Author: Wolfowitz
Vaccination of Department of Defense Personnel and Dependents Assigned to Department of State [DoS] Missions
Author: Chu
Policy on Administrative Issues Related to Smallpox Vaccination Program [SVP] signed by Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel & Readiness
Author: Wolfowitz
Department of Defense Smallpox Response Plan signed by Deputy Secretary of Defense
Author: Perry
DoD Directive 6205.3
Author: Keane
Army Smallpox Preparedness and Vaccination Program Implementation Plan
Author: Peake
U.S. Army MEDCOM Guidance: Defending Against Smallpox
Air Force
Author: Taylor
Instructions to Assist in Administering Smallpox Vaccine
Author: Scott
Implementing the "Air Force Smallpox Vaccine Implementation Plan," January 2003, as it applies to "Essential DoD Contractor Services"
Author: Abell
Approval of Smallpox Implementation Plan
Author: Jumper
Air Force Implementation of the Smallpox Vaccination Program
Author: Abell
Memorandum for Commandant of the Marine Corps: Approval of Smallpox Implementation Plan
Coast Guard
Author: Abell
Approval of Smallpox Implementation Plan