Government Accountability

Congressman Blackburn believes that American's deserve a government that is both accountable and responsive.  From eliminating government waste to ensuring that Congress maintains appropriate oversight over the federal bureaucracy, Congressman Blackburn knows that only constant vigilance can keep the government accountable to the people.

Congress has an important role in assuring that the Executive Branch remains accountable to the American people .  In recent years, she has become concerned that executive bureaucracies have excercised broad powers to regulate sectors of our economy- powers the Congress did not necessarily intend for them to have.  Congressman Blackburn is particularly concerned about moves the EPA is making to impose Cap and Trade style carbon limits through the Clean Air Act, and the FCC's recent moves to regulate the Internet. 

In the 112th Congress, Marsha Blackburn introduced H.R. 96 and HR. 97 respectively to roll back the authority of the FCC and the EPA.