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News > Air Force ends pilot travel card program
Controlled Spend Account card ends
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Air Force ends pilot travel card program

Posted 3/27/2012 Email story   Print story


3/27/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force recently decided to transition existing Controlled Spend Account travel cards to an enhanced Government Travel Card by the end of fiscal 2012.

"The CSA, a pilot travel card program, provided some enhancements for travelers, but also brought about significant challenges for our most frequent travelers and those with unique mission sets," said Mrs. Joan Causey, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Operations. "We recognized that for any travel card program to work, it has to work for all travelers. In the end, we were not satisfied that any proposed changes to the CSA program would get us to the desired state for our most frequent travelers."

The actual transition will occur in August and September and current CSA cardholders should continue to use their cards as normal. The transition strategy allows travelers to continue using their "blue cards" without interruption. The card functionality will be converted to a GTC by CitiBank without the need to get a new card. Also, travelers will once again be provided with a permanent credit limit, and there will be no need to call for "temporary spend limit" increases.

One of the enhancements being pursued for the GTC program will be via the Defense Travel System. Default settings will be changed to automatically align most non-mileage expenses to the card. Additionally, the traveler can split-disburse any residual funds to his/her personal account. Finally, as a carryover from the CSA program, Citi will upgrade their GTC online system to allow travelers to request electronic fund transfers of credit balances directly to their bank accounts.

"The CSA to GTC transition plan is already in motion," Causey said. "We're planning a brief test in July to ensure all systems are a go. If all systems perform as expected, roughly 300K cardholders will be converted during the August/September timeframe."

Citi will not process any early transitions and should not be contacted to do so. Further questions by Airmen regarding the transition should be directed to local Agency Program Coordinators or comptroller squadrons.

9/19/2012 12:48:41 PM ET
Glad to see the CSA go away. Every time I put orders in the system the Travel Office would hiccup and fail to issue tickets because the charge was rejected so I would have to call and get a temporary spend limit authorization wait about 12 hours for the email confirming that the limit was in place then call the travel office and have them try to ticket the travel again. In the meantime DTS kicked the orders back to the approving official for re-authorization each time there was a status change. REALLY INEFFICIENTBut the thing about the CSA card that really chaffed me wasn't the inefficiencies but rather that after filing my voucher the government would pay the money that was clearly owed to ME over to Citibank and then I would have to wait an extra 10 to 14 calendar days to get MY funds from Citibank - in the meantime they were collecting interest on my money under the guise that it took several days for the funds to be acknowledged in their system and another several d
Feste, WPAFB
8/7/2012 11:02:22 AM ET
it does not amaze me this program did not work..but not because the process was to complex - rather because people hate and resist change. I never had a problem with the card, but then I keep track of what I charge to my travel card, I keep track of what I claim on my travel voucher - and I can add and subtract.
Chris, Ohio
6/5/2012 4:52:00 PM ET
The only concern I have is that nobody seems to be able to tell me if this will affect my credit report like the old one did.
Van, Florida
4/23/2012 10:13:37 PM ET
I thought the CSA card worked very well. I didn't have problems with it.
Roland A. Schank, Los Angeles AFB
4/3/2012 11:49:41 AM ET
I think it's refreshing that they got rid of it so quickly. I thought we might get stuck with it for years but it's nice to see that they ditched it before it became entrenched.
Wysong, SLC
4/3/2012 10:35:27 AM ET
Good riddance Old way was much better...small amount of abuse either way. Less customer pain the old way.
DC, Maxwell
4/3/2012 8:57:45 AM ET
Good I went on 2 TDY's and now I'm deployed and I have had nothing but trouble with this card. The old program worked fine it should have never changed.
SSgt, Deployed
4/3/2012 8:53:28 AM ET
Follow the money. Corporate Welfare for whatever credit sevicer has the contract. Who is getting kickbacks for this one
Robert Miller, Edwards AFB
4/3/2012 2:15:37 AM ET
...pilot travel card enhanced Government Travel need to call for temporary spend limit increases.......a brief test in July to ensure all systems are a go......brief test in July to ensure all systems are a go...I would quit now but instead I will come back in a year and read this post and laugh heartily.
SKi, Ramstein
4/2/2012 4:13:43 PM ET
Sometimes pay is docked after the trip if advances were not used IAW regs not a big deal and should not reflect poorly on the Airman. First Sergeants Commanders and JAGs deal with the problem children.
Brian, DC
4/2/2012 4:00:24 PM ET
Im so glad they got rid of this program. My husband had so many problems with his and he is active. I stuck with my old card but i just thought it was a crazy change. I just wonder what politician made money off this idea.
TSgt Reserve, virginia
4/2/2012 3:42:36 PM ET
By the way how does this effect a person's credit rating I'm sure multiple credit inquiries for a few forced cards can't help someone's credit score. As miniscule as it may be it still effects it. What is the AF doing about that Go...
Meh - Nellis, Nellis
4/2/2012 2:27:24 PM ET
Glad to hear this has gone the way of the Dodo. I never had to use it and I am glad for that. I have seen many people wait on the bureaucracy for their funds. this has impacted workcenters across the AF in that people spend DAYS chasing paperwork and calling offices that are out to lunch. I have seen people get stuck on TDY because their orders changed and additional money had to be loaded. they had to wait in location until the powers that be got around to making it happen. GOOD RIDDANCE
db, Hickam AFB
4/2/2012 11:51:23 AM ET
Glad this one is gone as well and agree with the comments about not using your own money to go TDY. There were ways around this...but none easy. For everyone's knowledge on this thread I received a booking fee through the local travel office of 14 because my CSA 'bounced'. I had not asked for the increase in auth before finishing DTS. The normal fee is 1 but the CSA required an 'assisted booking'. So I'm sure the travel agencies are sad this is going away...someone should audit them and get by the millions they got from the Air Force...
GS Joe, Ohio
4/2/2012 10:12:56 AM ET
@EMB Foresight 20-20 Everyone including the APC knew this was a bad idea from day one. But some GO needed another star...
LtCol, Peterson AFB
4/2/2012 9:27:50 AM ET
What a sad disaster This is another example that whoever came up with this idea didn't think the program all the way through. Here is another example of leaders not using common sense
EL, Lackland
4/1/2012 8:01:30 PM ET
I agree with the good ole days approach We really don't need a contracted agency for credit accounts. This is one area that can be completely wiped with rediculous cost savings. Let our members use their personal cards or for those with poor creditpay a federal employee and bring back the cash cage... Yes there will be increased work for our First Shirts and CCs for the problem children but let's allow our core value system to work.
TSgt Cataldo, WPAFB
4/1/2012 3:32:35 AM ET
I was at the GTC conference when they announced this disaster. I heard every Finance person say what a horrible idea it was but they did not listen and here we are. The exact same thing happened with the so called Finance Center. When will the AF start listening to the people who are actually doing the job and dealing with the customers. Their bad decisions have hurt more than helped and cause quite a burden on the Finance career field. I wish they would get it togther. Guess they didnt take their own Decision Making Course.
3/31/2012 11:37:52 PM ET
8020 troop commander uses squadron GTC to pay for billeting. Abusers that drink their per diem away get booted after 3rd strike. Unit admin purchases commercial tickets for members. I use to make bank in the marines on 8020 and I never filled a voucher out but twice because I was traveling alone for awards. Ramen Noodles for the win
usmcusafr, travis
3/30/2012 5:48:41 PM ET
Like 'frustrated TSgt' I refuse to pay Citibank for official travel before the government pays me. Two years ago after a four month delay on a TDY PCS voucher Citibank garnished my wages and then pulled my GTC. I was then was 'required' to use my own credit card for official travel until receiving a new GTC. However Citibank would not provide a new GTC unless I resigned the Cardholder's Agreement -- gives them permission to garnish your wages. I refused and have been gladly traveling CSA and GTC free ever since
Active Flyer, PACAF
3/30/2012 3:07:53 PM ET
This is a fine example of fraud waste and abuse that is constantly preached by our Air Force leaders. Provide the member with the cash that is allocated for their trip it's easy and process fee free. I have paid out of pocket for every military movement including deployments. The systems now and previously are broken and were the day they were enacted. Military members have more important matters to deal with. Dealing with how they will get 6000 dollars from the government to deploy to Helmand Province Afghanistan should not be one of them.
SrA, Hickam
3/30/2012 2:52:04 PM ET
@ Paul from Hansom hit the nail on the head By loading ALL per diem on the CSA the traveler is forced to use the card for every expense.I for one would only use the old GTC for airline ticket purchases because this was enforced by the CTODTS. I paid for all other expenses on my own. Keeping my GTC balance as low as possible saved my a__ a number of times when vouchers were late to pay. Bring back 80 percent cash and centrally billed airline tickets Everybody likes more cash...
Bryan, Denver
3/30/2012 12:08:25 PM ET
Both of these cards are garbage the fact that our politicians pushed these cards out of worry we military members might get cash back on travel expenses is idiotic. They have spent more time money and effort on this than it could ever have been worth. Making this mandatory is borderline criminal.
TSgt, Nellis
3/30/2012 12:00:22 PM ET
What was really wrong with the the old way Get your orders go to travel and get a ticket and go to finance and get your 80 percent per diem in cash. The cost of policing the travel card program is enormous. There was no GTC abuse or prosecution when we had cash. Just a thought--how about an option a credit card billed to the govermment or cash if you prefer
JK, Colorado
3/30/2012 10:05:00 AM ET
@ME CO You are spot on. Put a little responsability back on the travelers and not the supervisors and commanners. Sometimes the Good Ole Days were better.
Retired Sarge, Texas
3/30/2012 10:01:14 AM ET
@Retired Wow that was exactely the comment i was going to put awesome. So we all have direct deposit right well everytime we travel put the per diem and lodging amount of money in our account and when we come back and file the voucher we have to show the receipts and if there is something unauthorized on the receipts take if off of our paycheck next month. Also if we spend less than the authorized per diem or lodging just take that difference back as well. I mean I enjoy receiving money at the end of a TDY but if I didn't spend that money on food or hotel why not give it back I would say that's the most amount of wasted money in the military. No more need for government cards etc. If we don't do the right thing then it's on us and we are the ones who will hurt. Plain and simple.
Chris, JBSA
3/30/2012 9:53:38 AM ET
I am SOOOO glad that I never switched to the CSA. The GTC can be a hastle but it's not near as bad as the CSA.
JD, Eglin AFB FL
3/30/2012 9:48:34 AM ET
We need to bring back the option for travelers to use their own personal card. There will be some who would need a GTC but guaranteed there won't be that many.So many advantages of using your own card.No hassles no calling the company to reactivate from inactivity no worries about letting the balance carry over if you can't file a travel voucher in time no accidental misuse no flagrant misuse no extra work for squadron GTC officials the list goes on.Oh nobody gets an EPR or OPR bullet for running a program. I guess it's here to stay.
Sal, Aviano
3/30/2012 9:05:08 AM ET
There is a GOD and the holy one hath declrared the CSA an evil boondoggle of fiscal ignorance...this should make an impressive OPR bullet for someone. The views expressed in this witty jab are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force Air National Guard Department of Defense or the U.S.Government.
Daniel J Strickland, McEntire JNGB
3/30/2012 8:17:55 AM ET
Such a simple fix. My company gives its employees a company CC with the persons name on it. No credit checks no hassle. The bill goes directly to the company who compares the charges to the expense report and then pays the bill. If there is a bad charge by someone the company keeps takes that amount out of that persons paycheck. No I know Finance does not have any problem withholding money from the troops. Simple easy to use. I wish the AF would join the current times.
Retired, CT
3/29/2012 3:17:21 PM ET
I hereby volunteer to be in the first wave of personnel who convert back to the GTC. The only enhancement I've gotten from the CSA card is a headache each time I've had to use it.
Hans F. VonMilla, Hurlburt Field FL
3/29/2012 11:33:35 AM ET
The person who came up with this wonderful program needs to be brought up on charges. They maybe even got a medal and promotion because of this blue card. This little blue card has cause Airman so much heartache and pain. Just like the idea about the ABUs and the Air force PT uniform a big giant waste of taxpayer funds. What is wrong with our AF Eat or be eaten
SSG, Hell
3/28/2012 8:18:05 PM ET
APC from Dyess I believe what ME from CO meant was the GTC system was broken from the get-go. It was a mandated program that impacted personal credit. An Airman ANY Airman should not ever have to use personal funds to pay for official travel and then await reimbursement at the government's convenience. I absolutely refuse to pay my GTC bill until I am paid by the Air Force on principle every TDY without exception but of course I don't advise that course of action for anyone else. That is simply a personal choice not an example to be followed. I've been going TDY for the entirety of my 14 year career and the only time we avoided this personal financial impact was pre-GTC days when I went to the Finance office's cash window and got a pile of money and a briefing that this was 80 percent of my entire allowance so don't frivolously spend it. Obviously that is not a good idea but they replaced it with a worse one. I'm sure he wasn't calling you out by name but I've perso
Constantly frustrated TSgt, Korea
3/28/2012 6:34:12 PM ET
Is there a single program or weapon system that the Air Force has not utterly botched The KC-X the F-22 the F-35 the ABU the CSA resiliency training etc. We're a force of screw-ups.
Badger, GA
3/28/2012 5:08:48 PM ET
The CSA program went backwards I personally never saw a single enhancement that made sense. I hated to travel with the CSA card I was constantly calling Citibank for increases and always had problems getting my flights booked in DTS. It probably was a good system if you traveled once or twice a year but more than that it was terrible. The old GTC card was more user friendly than the CSA and with the anticipated enhancements that are being added it will make travelling in the Air Force a whole lot more enjoyable.
Frank Strub, Kirtland AFB
3/28/2012 3:51:28 PM ET
Who is going to pay the electronic funds transfer fees when we get our money back BOA charges 12 per transfer to receive an EFT.
Pierce, Eglin AFB
3/28/2012 3:36:24 PM ET
I wonder if they will take back all of the paperwork they issued to members becuase of the miscommunication with the terms of use on the card.
H. May, DM AFB
3/28/2012 3:15:46 PM ET
This is great news The CSA was a nightmare to use compared to the old-fashioned GTC. As an aircrew member that frequently travels it makes so much more sense to have a regular GTC. Now if it was only directly billed to the government that would be great. In the meantime way to listen to the troops
Keegan Pyle, Travis AFB
3/28/2012 1:29:27 PM ET
Do all of you think this whole program was designed because some people don't pay their bill The real reason is the amount of money the USAF was going to get as a kickback for your purchases. With the GPC the service gets a percentage back on each purchase from the card company. TDYers were using the card for tickets hotels and rental cars but there were tons of expenditures that people don't use the card for such as food gas parking etc. The whole point of the CSA was to get TDYers to use the card for EVERYTHING. Looks back at the initial briefing that was given when the program started. It was going to pay the USAF another billion dollars.
Paul, Hanscom
3/28/2012 12:54:28 PM ET
CSA dead DTS next
greg, Arizona
3/28/2012 12:40:25 PM ET
This was a bad program to start with Imagine having to pay more than expected for an international flight because the funds didn't drop till the day before departure and then trying to check out of a hotel somewhere in small town Africa at 0430 hrs a week later only to find out you don't have enough in your available balance. Trying to reach that 1-800 number isn't always as easy as it sounds. On behalf of our travelers good fix
Rusty DIMO, Lackland
3/28/2012 9:57:57 AM ET
I have to say I take offense to the comment written regarding it being some AOs fault that someone didn't pay their bill. As an APC, we were not told of the New and Improved joke CSA system until it was in effect, and when we brought up the many problems that we were likely to encounter, which we did, we were told Shut up and color It was a poor system from the outset for anyone that travels more than once or twice a year and without an advanced lead time. I do not agree that it is our APCs and finance folks that Airmen across the board choose not to pay their bills. It seems that this was a huge waste of time and money, but no more so than at our level as we worked for very diligently to get everyone transferred to the new cards and, with it's many flaws, the best that we could within the guidelines. Please do not blame us for the fault of others not paying bills.
APC, dyess
3/28/2012 8:17:56 AM ET
Ideally, allow Amn the choice of using their personal card or the GTC. Still require everyone to have the GTC, but make optional to use. This allows those that may not have the available credit on their personal card to still execute duty rqmts w/o delays. Those that choose to use their personal card should be responsible enough if they already had one. Reimbursements are based on your DTS submission, not specifically what's on the card...
Brian, Texas
3/28/2012 7:51:43 AM ET
What a great day! The CSA card was a bad idea that wasn't well thought out and the fact that it wasn't used universally as in by other Services caused Joint folks many headaches. I'm glad the GTC is back. You can't tell people to use their own credit cards for TDY and PCS. For one, not everyone qualifies for one. For another, you're expecting people to put several thousand dollars on a credit card for things like airfare, extended hotel stays, etc, when their limit may not allow that. I think you definitely need to limit GTCs to those that truly need them and not issue them to every single Airman. But overall it's great to see its return.
3/28/2012 6:10:39 AM ET
Oh it was a pilot program. But wait, if it was a pilot program, why was the Air Force pushing everyone over onto the CSA? Seriously, does the Air Force even bother to listen anymore? hey while you're at it, the ABU is a horribly designed and made piece of garbage. Maybe you can scrap that, too.
Rick Mantangelo, CONUS
3/28/2012 2:36:58 AM ET
@ME from Colorado - while I agree with you that the system is borken. Not all individuals have a credit card or able to get one. Some people come in at the tender age of 18 and may not have credit. Individuals should be given the option of using their own card, but that too has a flaw. It makes pulling your card out in places where you aren't supposed to that much easier. The GTC at least gives individuals some pause when there may be questionable use. I propose that individuals be held accountable for the GTC just as they are an individual card. You pay on time you get reported as such. If you're late, you pay with your credit score and the repercussions of your command.
the guy, Germany
3/28/2012 1:43:55 AM ET
I never like the CSA program to begin with. It complicated what was simple. I'm glad to be going back to the GTC.I believe that if the Air Force wants to send me on official travel then they should officially provide me with the means to pay up front costs until I file my voucher. The GTC is just easier and Citibank understands that the military makes mistakes with paperwork and will work with you well before you show up on a bad boys list. If we had to procure our own credit cards to pay for the thousands of dollars that could come from upfront costs we'd all be paying 25 percent monthly APR from the smallest glitch or mistake with our vouchers.
3/27/2012 7:14:31 PM ET
This constant flux and change shouldnt be shocking to me anymore. It's a little embarresing that we still dont know the right way to do business by now. Just give us cash and let us press already. These revolving door changes to just about everything is a representation of leadership.
Justin, ND
3/27/2012 4:31:05 PM ET
As a decade long APC, I applaud the program. It's not feasible to expect Airmen or other Uniformed Military to fund their own business travel, nor can many afford it. While the concept of the GSA program was sound, I believe its execution was too grand. The program IS broke and people are trying to fix it. Instead of always offering a negative view, how about offering viable thoughtout improvement suggestions. When your APCs ask for input or suggestions, submit something. Like an actor I like said in a movie, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. quit being part of the _____ problem."
EMB, Washington DC
3/27/2012 4:08:10 PM ET
This is getting a little can the US government not come up with a plan that works. I agree that the CSA card is horrible, I was against it from the beginning, but make up your minds people. That is all.
Whatever, FLA
3/27/2012 3:11:16 PM ET
@ME, you are absolutely correct They make millions off something that doesn't work to begin with and they are laughing all the way to the bank. Wow, it sounds like the M.O. for every major contractor the AF does business with.
Deja Vu, AF
3/27/2012 1:30:46 PM ET
When is DoD going to get a clue that this program is completely broke This thing is more broke than the KC-10X or CSAR-X programs ever were. Ive got an idea, just scrap the entire GTC program. I know the credit card company won't like that because they make millions off something that doesn't work to begin with and they are laughing all the way to the bank. Instead, let all DoD members use their own credit card for travel. First off, it will allow personal credit rating to be boosted if payments are made on time and secondly Commanders and First Sgts more important stuff to do than sit around and monitor the bad boy list for unpaid GTCs. There are those that neglect to pay their bill; however, it always seems to be caused by some AO or financial glitch in the system that is to blame for non-payment. In the end, due to no fault of their own, their credit rating takes a hit. For those that decide not to pay their bills, oh well. It's going to catch up sooner or later and eit
3/27/2012 12:54:26 PM ET
To the creators of the CSA cards, it's time to dig up their old performance reports and create some white space.
Maj, staff
3/27/2012 11:24:12 AM ET
Wow. Really? And just how much money was wasted on this little endeavor? I love how we buy into a product, hammer people for misusing said product and then find out it didn't work from the get go. Unreal
Got rid of my GTC, To get a blue card that's going away
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