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News > Former TACP funds 332nd AEW mission
Show me the money!!!
Maj. Shenen Hoefferle, the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing comptroller, poses for a photo Feb. 18, 2012, at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia. Hoefferle began his Air Force career as an enlisted tactical air control party journeyman more than 16 years ago. He is deployed from Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, and is a native of Perryville, Md. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Melanie Holochwost)
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 Through Airmen's Eyes
Former TACP funds 332nd AEW mission

Posted 3/5/2012 Email story   Print story


by Senior Airman Melanie Holochwost
332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

3/5/2012 - SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFNS) -- (This feature is part of the "Through Airmen's Eyes" series on These stories and commentaries focus on a single Airman, highlighting their Air Force story.)

After serving four years as a tactical air control party journeyman, a senior airman decided to trade in his stripes for a golden bar. Now, 12 years later, he is the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing comptroller at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia.

Although he is glad he made the transition, Maj. Shenen Hoefferle, who is deployed from Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, said he misses all of the thrills that went along with being a TACP.

As a TACP prior to the use of GPS-guided bombs and digital coordinates, Hoefferle said he was responsible for guiding pilots to the enemy.

"We were on the ground, so we knew exactly where the enemy was located," he said. "We called in air strikes and walked the pilot's eyes to each target. We would tell them what direction to come in, where we were and where other friendly forces were to ensure the target -- and only the target -- would get blown up."

While Hoefferle said he absolutely loved his enlisted job, it was missing one important thing -- the opportunity to lead.

"My original plan was to serve for four years and then separate from the military, go to college and work in some corporate office somewhere," he said. "However, I ended up really liking the Air Force, so I decided to stay in. Being a TACP was fun and exciting, but I really wanted to be a leader and make the decisions."

Hoefferle said he applied for the Airman Scholarship Commissioning Program and got accepted.

"The program allowed me to finish my bachelor's degree at the University of Washington in Seattle," he said. "I majored in business, which led me to my career in finance. Although I really wanted to be an A-10 pilot and see the other side of the TACP mission, I really can't complain. The Air Force has been really good to me and I enjoy working in finance."

As a deployed comptroller, Hoefferle is in-charge of the entire financial management team here, which includes customer service, accounting, budgeting and purchasing. He also has to ensure every unit on base has the tools they need to complete the mission without wasting taxpayer dollars.

"Most Airmen only see the customer service side of finance, which is a very small portion of what we do," he said. "In addition to paying Airmen, we have to secure enough funding so they are able to do their jobs. This means we have to pay for things like vehicle leases, heavy equipment rentals, drinking water, office supplies and equipment maintenance."

Hoefferle said the finance office has to follow a vast amount of rules and regulations.

"Each purchase has to meet purpose, time and amount requirements," he said. "Once approved, we work in tandem with contracting to determine exactly what we are going to buy, where we are going to buy it, when we will buy it, and what pot of money we will use to make the purchase. And in addition to our rules and regulations, contracting has a bunch they have to follow, too."

Since about 95 percent of transactions are completed in-person with local currency, Hoefferle said it is vital for contracting and finance personnel to maintain good relationships with local vendors.

"Sometimes we build these relationships over a cup of tea," he said. "And this small gesture makes business so much easier for us. For example, one of our vendors drives more than an hour to deliver us supplies. And they don't charge us a shipping or delivery fee."

Although Hoefferle isn't calling in air strikes anymore, he is still a huge part of the mission.

"While a lack of money may not stop a mission, it can certainly stall it," he said. "It is my job to ensure that doesn't happen."

3/30/2012 8:10:39 AM ET
I know Maj Hoefferle. I worked with him when he was the Commander of the 47 CPTS at Laughlin AFB. He is an EXCEPTIONAL officer and the insinuation that he's doing something inappropriate by POSING with money is ridiculous. This man is an officer of the highest caliber Great job Maj HMSgt Brian PotvinAFC2ICLangley AFB VA
MSgt Brian Potvin, Langley AFB VA
3/21/2012 11:54:19 AM ET
@Buzz...the SrA was behind the cashier's cage and not in the parking lot with thousands of dollars. @Reality Check...the high road was taken and I did not bash the good officer directly. Just challenged him to do it better if he has the time and the resources.
Same Chief, Same Unit
3/20/2012 2:56:34 PM ET
@Buzz....apples and oranges. Not to knock for the SrA is doing downrange...his job is critical to the folks at the base. But it's an apples to oranges comparison and probably shouldn't be used to make the point you're trying make.
3/20/2012 2:08:01 AM ET
@Ridiculous: Funny you mention how a senior airman wouldn't be allowed to do this ...
JG Buzanowski, Southwest Asia
3/19/2012 9:34:22 AM ET
One only need check the caption on the photo POSES FOR A PHOTO. He's doing a PA shot with personality. Get over it. And for the Enlisted vs. Officer comments, get over it, too. Enlisted can lead yes. Officers can lead and do command and there's a marked difference in the two. Enlisted now often have Bachelor's and Master's degrees and, yes, the lines are blurrier than ever. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't stay in the lane that you chose. Chief...highly disappointed in your comments. Would have expected a Chief to take the high road on this one.
Reality Check, Utopia Air Base
3/16/2012 5:42:13 PM ET
@Doubtful and Mustang. Simply amazing that this conversation is even happening. Both of you are self proclaimed leaders that haven't learned the essential HUMILITY that comes with it...hopefully you get it prior to your next promotion or your poor attitudes will have an affect on your units. Back and forth crying about who is a better leader does's your actions that obviously have some work to do. @Doubtful...Commanders earn their job thru DEMONSTRATED leadership and not their rank. At the end of the day it's your job to support them and their decisions. If you can't than maybe retirement should be in your future. @Mustang...don't kid yourself. If you think you made it to the commissioned world on your own you are lying to yourself. Every officer, especially prior enlisted, got to where they are because of the support their NCOs give them. Get the chip off your shoulder.
Prior Enlisted, CONUS
3/16/2012 9:01:52 AM ET
What bothers me is the fact that this officer is playing with money that is NOT HIS. We sure wouldn't allow a SrA or lower to take this money out to pose for a self glorifying picture. Hey Mustang, I am not sure if you were attempting to slight the SMSgt and our enlisted leaders, but I would rather follow a LEADER rather than a COMMANDER. You may eventually be a commander, but I doubt with your attitude you will be a Leader.
Ridiculous, Scott AFB
3/15/2012 6:33:07 PM ET
@Mustang...Chief's mafia...funny but very untrue. If you don't like what the Chiefs are doing, just pull your C prefix and run it how you like it. After all we are just lowly enlisted people who need great leaders like you, right?
Chief, Your Unit
3/14/2012 12:25:21 PM ET
I think that weapon is a little small myself. Comptrollers are one of the Ace Of Spade kills for the enemy. In the AOR everything is bought with cash. There are no ATM's, Visa Cards, etc. Its 100 bills. I know of 2 comptrollers that only served 12 years and were medically retired due to injuries sustained in the AOR. These comptrollers literally carry millions and millions of dollars of cash daily. Money talks...
Maggs, Low Country
3/14/2012 11:29:51 AM ET
What difference does it make what kind of weapon it is or isn't? Relax and just read the article for its content. Geez
3/12/2012 11:47:01 AM ET
@JB: If you put a little bit of thought into it maybe you can see the photo is posed like that for a reason. The money symbolizes his financial career. The huge weapon symbolizes his TACP career. I'm sure if something went down and security forces needed a gunner, he's fully qualified to fill in.
Just an Airman, undisclosed
3/12/2012 11:27:52 AM ET
@Embarrassed: this is a feature story and the photo shows his personality. Is it wrong for an officer to have one of those? I don't think so. In fact, I think Maj. Hoefferle's personality makes him an excellent leader.
I know Maj. H, Southwest Asia
3/10/2012 2:12:00 PM ET
@SMSgt Doubtful: Hmmm, in addition to wanting to lead and command, the now Major probably looked at the paycharts and that cinched the deal. And yes, while you lead troops, you will never command troops... there is a marked difference. Even the wing comptroller has the C prefix... something you nor the Chiefs mafia can ever claim.
Mustang, Colo Spgs CO
3/9/2012 9:00:33 AM ET
@SMSgt Doubtful there is no doubt that our enlisted lead. I'm sure this Major made the same observation I did when I was enlisted. I saw the conference room where decisions were being made. The lowest ranking officer was a Lt and the lowest ranking enlisted was a MSgt. I wanted to be in that room and realized that the fastest path was to commission.
Paul, Hanscom
3/8/2012 9:04:31 PM ET
@Ben I don't think he was referring to the fact the financer was carrying a weapon but what kind of weapon. Not exactly sure why a financy would need this caliber of a weapon. I'm sure he strapped on some soldiers weapon for the pic. Thanks for pointing out that people are being shot at in the AOR.Thats news to me.
RGisaBrownshoe, unknown
3/8/2012 4:39:08 PM ET
Ben, I don't think JB is saying the guy shouldn't have a weapon just that it's a bit of overkill for a comptroller to be packing an M-240.
3/8/2012 11:07:36 AM ET
@JB: He has a weapon because he is deployed to the AOR. Have you read the news lately? Military members are being shot at meetings and in other seemingly safe situations and places. And this officer is in charge of money. You might think he is safe, but in the AOR right now nowhere is safe.
Tech. Sgt. Ben Rojek, Fort Meade
3/8/2012 9:59:28 AM ET
People who assumed the larger population would use common sense and understand it's a joke and not take everything so dang serious. Relax guy.
Relax guy, U.S.
3/7/2012 9:12:42 PM ET
Last time I checked enlisted Airmen lead every day. I would venture to guess most SSgt's provide more of a leadership role than most Company Grade pilots and many field graders. As a SMSgt I have the privelage of leading 90 men and women every day. I can't imagine there are many if any 0-4 comptrollers out there who have that kind of opportunity. Oh yeah they even trust me to be a decision maker. I'll never know what the Major's real reasons for seeking his commision were, but his insinuation that you needed a commission to lead is an insult to me and every other NCO who makes the mission happen every day..
SMSgt Doubtful, JB-MDL
3/7/2012 3:56:33 PM ET
Posing indeed... note the weapon, a bit much for a comptroller to carry don't you think? And last time I checked, finance folks don't work as gunners. When will we stop this facade that everyone in the AF has to be presented as more than they are? Go do your support job and don't grandstand with obviously planted and overstated accoutrements.
3/7/2012 3:32:50 PM ET
Misleading headline also. The picture and headline match kind of, but not the story.
JT, Scott AFB IL
3/6/2012 7:08:23 AM ET
Who thought putting a service member in a picture holding a wad of cash with a greedy look on his face was a good idea?
Embarrassed, Laughlin
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