NCNR Tech Beat Archives

  • Long-Predicted Fluctuations in Cell Membranes Observed for First Time

  • 05/07/12
  • NIST Contributes to Discovery of Novel Quantum Spin-Liquid

  • 03/29/12
  • Novel Filter Material Could Cut Natural Gas Refining Costs

  • 03/20/12
  • NIST Findings Awaken Age-Old Anesthesia Question

  • 02/07/12
  • NIST Provides Octagonal Window of Opportunity for Carbon Capture

  • Unusual 'Collapsing' Iron Superconductor Sets Record for Its Class

  • 11/30/11
  • NCNR Offers Financial Assistance for Neutron Science Research

  • 11/08/11
  • NIST Physicists Chip Away at Mystery of Antimatter Imbalance

  • 10/19/11
  • NIST Measures Key Property of Potential 'Spintronic' Material

  • 03/30/11
  • Closer Look at Cell Membrane Shows Cholesterol 'Keeping Order'

  • 11/09/10
  • NIST Pings Key Material in Sonar, Closes Gap on Structural Mystery

  • 10/27/10
  • New Data Access Policy

  • 10/13/10
  • New Look at Multitalented Protein Sheds Light on Mysteries of HIV

  • 08/31/10
  • New Material May Reveal Inner Workings of Hi-temp Superconductors

  • 05/25/10
  • NIST Scientists Gain New 'Core' Understanding of Nanoparticles

  • 04/22/10
  • He3 Statement

  • 04/16/10
  • Rob Dimeo Appointed NCNR Director

  • 03/16/10
  • Layered Graphene Sheets Could Solve Hydrogen Storage Issues

  • NCNR Researchers Win Prizes in Neutron Scattering

  • 12/01/09
  • Nervy Research: Researchers Take Initial Look at Ion Channels in a Model System

  • 10/30/09
  • Taner Yildirim wins Tubitak Award

  • 10/13/09
  • Shutdown Planned for 2011

  • 10/06/09
  • Large-Scale Cousin of Elusive ’Magnetic Monopoles’ Found at NIST

  • 08/25/09
  • Safer, Denser Acetylene Storage in an Organic Framework

  • 08/20/09
  • Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

  • 07/14/09
  • NCNR Reactor Relicensed by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • 06/30/09
  • NIST Summer School Passes the Neutron Science Torch

  • 05/12/09
  • Call For Proposals

  • 04/27/09
  • NCNR Expansion

  • 03/24/09
  • Magnetism Governs Properties of Iron-Based Superconductors

  • NIST Research Collaboration Spies Galfenol’s Inner Beauty Mark

  • 02/24/09
  • Nanotechnologists Gain Powerful New Materials Probe

  • 01/27/09
  • For Refrigeration Problems, a Magnetically Attractive Solution

  • 11/25/08
  • Neutron Researchers Discover Widely Sought Property in Magnetic Semiconductor

  • 11/12/08
  • Iron-based Materials May Unlock Superconductivity’s Secrets

  • 06/24/08
  • Oxygen Ions for Fuel Cells Get Loose at Low(er) Temperatures

  • 05/28/08
  • New Iron-based and Copper-Oxide High-Temperature Superconductors Share Key Magnetic Properties

  • New Iron-based Superconductors Reinforce Link to Magnetism

  • 05/13/08
  • Disorder Enables Extreme Sensitivity in Piezoelectric Materials

  • Improved Ion Mobility Is Key to New Hydrogen Storage Compound

  • 04/01/08
  • More Solid than Solid: A Potential Hydrogen-Storage Compound

  • 01/08/08
  • NIST Develops Test Method for Key Micromechanical Property

  • 12/12/07
  • New Paper Reveals Nanoscale Details of Photolithography Process

  • 09/13/07
  • Probing a Rare Material Spin State at NIST

  • 08/03/07
  • Neutrons Reveal Quantum Order in Solid-State System

  • 12/07/06
  • Unusually Stable Glasses May Benefit Drugs, Coatings

  • 06/30/05
  • NIST Scientist Honored for Neutron Probe Advances
  • Contact

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    Gaithersburg, MD 20899