About Us - Military Vaccine Agency
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The MILVAX Agency, located in Northern Virginia, supports DoD vaccination programs protecting Military Service Members, their dependents and beneficiaries; and provides educational support and training resources for DoD healthcare providers and clinicians.


To protect and enhance the health of service members and military beneficiaries, by promoting excellence in immunization policy and practice.


To enhance military medical readiness and protect human health by:

  • Synchronizing, integrating, and coordinating DoD/Service vaccine policies and information
  • Increasing scientific understanding of vaccine safety and effectiveness
  • Promoting excellence in immunization standards of practice
  • Developing and implementing communication strategies and activities
  • Delivering vaccine information, educational resources, and training
  • Providing specialized clinical consultative services and case management


  • Science – We will conduct military immunization programs based on an objective foundation in the sciences, with an active program to add to scientific knowledge.
  • Quality – We will individualize immunization for the person being served, with due attention to screening for exemptions, vaccine storage and handling, staff education, and documentation. We will continuously strive to improve our performance.
  • Care – We will attend to people’s needs before, during, and after immunization. We will address health concerns after immunization, regardless of whether a vaccine can be shown to cause the problem or not.
  • Confidence – We will earn the confidence of the Service members and their families through attention to science, quality, and care. We will foster understanding of the value of immunization.

Immunization University (ImzU)

A major component of the MILVAX Agency’s education and training vision is “Immunization University”, an informal collection of guidelines and training resources to help staff make every immunization an excellent one. Designed to enhance the skills of healthcare workers from a variety of backgrounds, Immunization University offers training on vaccine products and immunization services through on-line distance learning and on-site classes sponsored by the Military Vaccine Agency. CE Credits are available for on-site training events. Certificates of completion and consolidated student transcripts are available via the ImzU LMS, and may be accessed online.


Major outreach services of the MILVAX Agency include:

  • Immunization University -- Register Today!
  • Toll-free information line -- (877) GET-VACC
  • Email question-and-answer service -- Vaccines@amedd.army.mil
  • Three gateway websites:
  • ListServ -- The MILVAX ListServ is a bimonthly electronic newsletter sent to ImzU registered users. It includes important information about DoD vaccines, immunization policies and practices, training opportunities, and other vaccine-related information; as well as the latest ACIP and CDC guidelines and recommendations.
Military Vaccine (MILVAX) Agency
(877) GET-VACC
(703) 681-5558
761-5558 DSN
(703) 681-7541 FAX

8am ET - 6pm ET, Monday - Friday
(except Federal holidays)

Regional Analysts

Locate a Regional Analyst to assist you with your
vaccine questions or ITS issues
