MMQC-12-1573 27 Sep 12
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Dear HCP Letter, HCP Notification Letter & Recall Instructions
The Immunization Basic Course (IBC) is a one day course designed to train personnel in the essential elements of a safe and effective immunization program.
The Immunization Leader's Course (ILC) is a three day course designed to train DoD Personnel and Service Members to perform a variety of tasks specific to DoD immunization programs.
ImzU online training consists of courses, curriculums, recorded webcasts & live webcasts that you can take at anytime and from any computer that has an internet connection.
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MEDPROS - Medical Protection System

The Army Medical Department designed MEDPROS to provide for the data entry and reporting/tracking of Medical and Dental Readiness information of Soldiers, Units, and Task Forces. The primary users of the MEDPROS online applications are the Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) locations, Medical Treatment Facilities, National Guard State and Army Reserve RRC Surgeon's Offices, and unit Commanders at all levels needing to monitor the Medical Readiness status of their subordinate units and Soldiers. MEDPROS also provides every Soldier with AKO alerts as to their Individual Medical Readiness status thereby eliminating their need to obtain access to the online systems.

As an important part of the Medical Operational Data System (MODS), MEDPROS contains the following 4 key modules:

  • Individual Medical Readiness (IMR)
  • Immunization Tracking System (ITS)
  • Deployment Health Assessments
    • Pre (DD2795)
    • Post (DD2796)
    • Post-Deployment Health Re-assessments (DD2900)
  • Periodic Health Assessments
MRRS - Medical Readiness Reporting System

MRRS is the Navy, US Marine Corps and US Coast Guard’s Tool for viewing Force Medical Readiness and immunization tracking. MRRS is a web-based, real-time application with a central aggregating database, links with existing authoritative data systems including NSIPS and MCTFS for personnel tracking. MRRS gives headquarters staffs and leadership a real-time view of Force Medical Readiness and immunization status.

SAMS - SNAP (Shipboard Non-Tactical ADP Program) Automated Medical System
SAMS was developed as an automated means of supporting and improving Naval health care by removing the administrative layers that generally hamper efficient operation of health care providers. SAMS also serves as the primary tool for reporting and tracking immunizations for the Navy and Military Sealift Command. SAMS data is uploaded to Navy Medicine Online; this data is then sent to MRRS for Force Medical Readiness Tracking.

View the "Best Practices" of the SAMS system.
ASIMS - Aeromedical Services Information Management System

As a module of the USAF Aeromedical Services Information Management System (ASIMS), AFCITA client provides the Air Force a data management portal to all of its fixed facilities to track immunization data for all their personnel. ASIMS Web provides the Air Force the capability to track immunization data through a web portal for all their personnel both in fixed or deployed facilities.

Authors: Sulskya SI, Luippolda RS, Garman P, Hughes H, Amorosoc PJ
Publication: Vaccine 29 (2011) 6035– 6041
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: General Vaccine
Authors: Deer, Brian
Publication: BMJ 2011; 342:c5347
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: General Vaccine
Authors: Salmon D, Akhtar A, Mergler M, Vannice K, Izurieta H, Lee G, Vellozzi, Garman P, Cunningham F, Gellin B, Koh H, Lurie N, H1N1 Working Group
Publication: Pediatrics
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: Influenza - H1N1
Authors: Godlee F, Smith J, Marcovitch H
Publication: BMJ 2011; 342:c7452
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: General Vaccine
Author: Supreme Court of the United States
Publication: No. 09–152. Argued October 12, 2010—Decided February 22, 2011
Subject: Vaccine-General
Disease: General Vaccine
Authors: Greenhawt MJ, Li JT
Publication: Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, vol. 106
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: Influenza - Seasonal
Author: Deer B
Publication: BMJ 2011; 342:c7001
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: General Vaccine
Author: Reynolds BJ
Publication: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 254 (2011) 206–214
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: General Vaccine
Author: Deer B
Publication: BMJ 2011; 342:c5258
Subject: Vaccine-Safety
Disease: General Vaccine
Author: ACIP
Publication: MMWR, vol. 59, no. RR-6
Subject: Vaccine-General
Disease: Anthrax
Adenovirus 02 May 12
Anthrax 27 Aug 09
Botulism 19 Dec 05
Chickenpox 11 Oct 05
Diphtheria 12 Oct 05
Haemophilus B 12 Oct 05
Hepatitis B 14 Nov 05
Human Papillomavirus 23 Nov 09
Influenza - H1N1 27 Oct 09
Influenza - Pandemic 08 Nov 05
Influenza - Seasonal 23 Jul 12
Japanese encephalitis 10 May 12
Measles 15 Feb 06
Meningococcal 27 Mar 06
Mumps 18 Apr 06
Shingles 01 Jan 07
Smallpox 20 Feb 08

Sample Q&A: Hepatitis B

Where can I get hepatitis B shots?
At any military immunization clinic. In the private sector, Tricare and children's health insurance often cover the cost of this vaccine. If a child is uninsured, ask your local health department for assistance. For adults, contact the healthcare provider first, to find out if the vaccine is covered under the health plan. For people who are uninsured, call your local health department for advice.


General Vaccine

Influenza - Seasonal




General Vaccine


General Vaccine


General Vaccine

General Vaccine

General Vaccine

Influenza - Pandemic

General Vaccine

Influenza - Seasonal

General Vaccine

Influenza - Pandemic


General Vaccine

Influenza - Seasonal

General Vaccine


General Vaccine

Influenza - Seasonal

General Vaccine

Influenza - H1N1

General Vaccine

General Vaccine

Influenza - Seasonal

Influenza - Seasonal

General Vaccine

Influenza - Seasonal

General Vaccine


Yellow Fever


General Vaccine

General Vaccine


General Vaccine



General Vaccine






General Vaccine

Influenza - Pandemic

Influenza - H1N1

Influenza - Seasonal

Yellow Fever

Influenza - Pandemic

General Vaccine



Yellow Fever

General Vaccine

General Vaccine

General Vaccine

Influenza - Seasonal

Yellow Fever


We welcome all healthcare workers to the DoD Immunization University. We are committed to making this the most fruitful single location to access to a wide range of training products relating to immunization services.

What is Immunization University?

An informal collection of guidelines and training resources, sponsored by the Military Vaccine Agency, to help staff make every immunization an excellent one. Designed to enhance the skills of healthcare workers from a variety of professional and paraprofessional backgrounds, "Immunization University" offers training on vaccine products and immunization services through distance learning and on-site classes.

The ImzU logo, with its torch as beacon, emphasizes our educational efforts via Immunization University, “Imz U.” Established in 2005, its motto is “Each Immunization an Excellent One,” summarizing our obligations as leaders and clinicians in the United States Armed Forces. The banner reads Scientia * Tutela * Salveo, referring to our keystones of knowledge, protection, and health.

How do I find out more?

The core elements of Immunization University are available here. Additional tools and courses will be added over time. Please sign up for our ListServ which will also include updates as they become available. You may also check back to this page regularly for the latest information on Immunization University.

What is the MILVAX ListServ & how do I get it?

The MILVAX ListServ is a bimonthly electronic newsletter sent to ImzU registered users. It includes important information about DoD vaccines, immunization policies and practices, training opportunities, and other vaccine-related information; as well as the latest ACIP and CDC guidelines and recommendations. Review archived copies of these messages.

The Military Vaccine Agency hosted workshops that began an intensive process designed to retool, refine and improve program education. This process, formally known as “Message Mapping,” provides consistent, well-thought-out messages, the content foundation for educational products, and is a valuable tool to educate spokespersons on the DoD Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP) & the Smallpox Vaccination Program (SVP).


 ExpandYour Health and Safety are Our #1 Concerns.
Healthy troops complete their missions. Vaccines will keep you and your team healthy.
Vaccines have kept troops healthy since the days of George Washington.
Vaccination offers a layer of protection in addition to antibiotics and other measures that is needed for certain members of the Armed forces.
 ExpandThe anthrax vaccine is safe and effective.
The vaccine is effective: Anthrax vaccine protects people from anthrax infection.
The Vaccine is Safe: Anthrax vaccine is safe, as safe as other vaccines.
 ExpandAnthrax: The threat is real.
Anthrax is a top choice for use as a biological warfare agent.
Several potential adversaries have worked to develop an offensive biological warfare capability using anthrax.
Anthrax was used as a biological weapon in the United States.
 ExpandVaccination offer a layer of protection in addition to antibiotics and other measures needed for certain members of the Armed Forces
We protect troops using detection devices, protective gear, antibiotics, and in other ways. But these means of Force Health Protection have their limitations.
Vaccines are one of our best ways to keep you healthy.
Vaccines provide the only round-the-clock protection.


 ExpandSmallpox is contagious, deadly, and would disrupt military missions.
Smallpox is a highly contagious disease that spreads from one person to another.
Smallpox is a deadly disease that killed millions worldwide over hundreds of years.
A smallpox outbreak would be highly disruptive, and significantly affect military readiness.
 ExpandSmallpox vaccine prevents smallpox and we will use it carefully.
Efficacy: The World Health Organization successfully used smallpox vaccine to eradicate natural smallpox from the planet.
Side Effects: All vaccines cause side effects, but smallpox vaccine has unique features that require special handling.
Care of the Vaccination Site: Don’t touch the smallpox vaccination site. You may spread virus somewhere else, either on your body or somebody else’s.
Exemption from Vaccination: Some people should not get smallpox vaccine, except under emergency situations.
 ExpandPreserving the health and safety of our people is our top concern.
Healthy troops complete their missions. Vaccines will keep you and your team healthy.
Vaccines have kept troops healthy since the days of George Washington.
Vaccination offers a layer of protection against bioweapons, in addition to other measures, needed for certain members of the Armed forces.
 ExpandThe Defense Department's smallpox vaccination program is part of our national strategy to safeguard Americans against smallpox attack.
The Defense Department is working with other federal departments to strengthen America’s defenses against smallpox.
The government has been preparing for some time for the remote possibility of an outbreak of smallpox as an act of terror.