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Click here to read the August newsletter.


Dr. Matt Germino, Great Basin LCC Research Ecologist, recently received funding from the Northwest Climate Science Center to conduct sagebrush ecosystem research in the Great Basin. The project will evaluate the application of climate science as it relates to assessing the vulnerability of sagebrush ecosystems and habitat, in terms of their resistance to environmental change and human-mediated resilience in restoration.


During the June 2012 Great Basin LCC Steering Committee webinar, members approved Great Basin LCC support of the BLM’s Central Great Basin REA development of a recommendations report following completion of the assessment in summer 2012. The report will propose key actions that participating agencies may take over the next 3-5 years. The Great Basin LCC will assist the BLM in developing a recommendation framework that will reach stakeholders and provide recommendations for the ecoregion. Products from the REA will be released as they are finalized and concurrently, the Great Basin LCC staff is working on a draft plan of action to develop the report.

Click here to read the June 2012 Steering Committee Webinar Summary.


The recently published "Adaptive Management: The U.S. Department of the Interior Applications Guide" is a new guide that provides federal, state, tribal and other natural resource managers with tools to more effectively address the complexities and uncertainties involved in natural resource management, especially under challenging conditions such as climate change. The Applications Guide includes case studies ranging from river flow management and protecting migratory birds to siting renewable energy projects. These are drawn from four areas important to Interior and its partners: climate change, water resources, energy, and human impacts on the landscape. The examples show the breadth of adaptive management applications at different scales and different levels of complexity.

The Applications Guide is available for download at It was designed to complement and build on the framework established by its companion document, Adaptive Management: The U.S. Department of the Interior Technical Guide, available at Dr. Todd Hopkins, GBLCC Science Coordinator, is a contributing author to the Applications Guide.

About the GBLCC

The Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) is one of 22 LCCs nationwide established by the Department of the Interior (DOI) to better integrate science and management to address climate change and related issues. The Great Basin LCC is a self-directed partnership between bureaus and others involved in natural resource management and conservation.

What does the Great Basin LCC do?

In broad terms, the Great Basin LCC will help link and integrate science information providers with resource managers and science users; bring additional DOI resources to bear on landscape-scale conservation issues and opportunities; and help to apply science and facilitate coordination on a wide range of efforts to respond to climate change, invasive species, wildfires, human development and other stressors across the Great Basin. Specific objectives and shared priorities will be determined by the partnership itself. The LCC is not intended to replace existing organizations already accomplishing conservation work in the Great Basin. The aim is to facilitate, enhance and inform that work.


The Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative enhances understanding of the effects of changing climate and other natural and human impacts across the region and promotes the coordination of science-based actions to enable human and natural communities to respond and adapt to those conditions.


  • Provide leadership and a framework linking science and management to address shared ecological, climate, and social and economic issues across the basin. 
  • Focus science and management actions to sustain natural resources in the context of changing environmental conditions.
  • Enhance collaboration to integrate science and management among Great Basin LCC partners particularly as related to climate change and other landscape-scale change agents.
  • Promote communication and education.

Great Basin LCC Steering Committee

The Great Basin LCC Steering Committee met for the first time on March 22, 2011 in Boise, Idaho. The meeting included finalizing and adopting the Great Basin LCC charter, identifying resources needed for the organization, and identifying three initial Issue-based Working Groups. The Steering Committee reviewed and discussed the input from the Stakeholder Forum held in February and discussed next steps. 

The Steering Committee meets regularly to hear updates from Great Basin LCC staff and basin-wide partners, help staff make decisions on behalf of the LCC, and discuss emerging issues and developments in the Great Basin.

Steering Committee members include:


Rick KearneyChair, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Carol SchulerVice-Chair, U.S. Geological Survey
Mike PellantPast Chair, Bureau of Land Management

Federal representatives
Raul MoralesBureau of Land Management
Clint KobleUSDA Farm Service Agency
Bruce PetersenNatural Resources Conservation Service
Ren LohoefenerU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Jeanne HigginsU.S. Forest Service
Carol SchulerU.S. Geological Survey

Tribal representatives
Kim TownsendDuckwater Shoshone Tribe
Gaylord RobbPaiute Indian Tribe of Utah

State representatives
InvitedState of Idaho
Ken MayerNevada Department of Wildlife
InvitedState of Oregon
John HarjaState of Utah, Office of the Governor
Armand Gonzales California Department of Fish and Game

Local government representative
Lorinda WichmanNevada Association of Counties

NGO and private community representatives
Mark TallmanPacifiCorp
Robin WilsonLahontan Audubon Society
Julie ThompsonEastern Nevada Landscape Coalition
Susan Lynn Great Basin Water Network
Allen Biaggi Nevada Mining Association
Jim EvansPartnership for National Trails
Brenda RichardsPublic Lands Council
Bob Unnasch The Nature Conservancy

Great Basin Consortium representatives
Mike CollopyGreat Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
Stan JohnsonGreat Basin Environmental Program

Great Basin LCC Staff

Research Landscape Ecologist
Dr. Matthew Germino joined the Great Basin LCC in 2011, working at the US Geological Survey Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center in Boise, ID, to research spatial and temporal patterns of change across Great Basin landscapes, and the biological and physical processes that generate these patterns.

The BLM selected Linda Kelly as the new Great Basin LCC Coordinator in the fall of 2011. Linda provides ongoing leadership to the Great Basin LCC while working with the Steering Committee.

Science Coordinator
Dr. Todd Hopkins has been supporting the Great Basin LCC as Science Coordinator since fall of 2011. He is based in Reno, NV and serves as senior staff scientist for the Great Basin LCC.

National LCC Network

The Great Basin LCC is one of 22 LCCs nationwide, a network of public-private partnerships that provide shared science to ensure the sustainability of America's land, water, wildlife and cultural resources. Visit the National LCC website

Great Basin Map
The Great Basin is the largest area of contiguous watersheds in North America and is knows for its arid conditions.  It includes a large region in Nevada and parts of Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and California. Urban areas include Salt Lake City, Utah, Reno, Nevada, Boise, Idaho, and parts of the Las Vegas metropolitan area.

For more information about the Great Basin LCC, contact us:

Linda Kelly
Great Basin LCC Coordinator

Dr. Todd Hopkins
Great Basin LCC Science Coordinator

Dr. Matt Germino
USGS, Research Ecologist

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