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Protects people, property, and the environment from fires and disasters.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Plans, organizes, and directs all fire protection activities. Analyzes fire protection operations, determines trends and problems, and formulates corrective measures. Provides fire protection guidance. Coordinates fire protection support agreements and pre-incident plans. Executes and enforces the Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program. Conducts and evaluates training on specialized fire protection equipment and procedures. Performs inspections and organizational maintenance on fire protection vehicles, equipment, and protective clothing. Manages and operates fire alarm communications centers. Supports the electrical power production function with resetting aircraft arresting systems. Provides fire prevention guidance. Performs project reviews to ensure fire safety feature adequacy. Inspects facilities, and identifies fire hazards and deficiencies. Determines fire extinguisher distribution requirements and performs inspections and maintenance. Establishes public relations and conducts fire prevention awareness and educational training. Controls and extinguishes aircraft, structure, wild land, and miscellaneous fires. Establishes an emergency operations incident command system. Drives and operates fire apparatuses, specialized tools, and equipment. Conducts hose evolutions and pump operations, and protects exposures. Preserves and protects emergency scene evidence. Investigates fires to determine origin and cause. Effects entry into aircraft, structures, and other enclosures. Shuts down engines, safeties ejection systems, and isolates utilities. Conducts search and rescue operations. Administers emergency first aid. Protects people and the environment from hazardous material releases.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: fire department mission and organization; safety requirements and objectives; fire alarm and communications; fire behavior; portable fire extinguishers; personal protective clothing and equipment; forcible entry, ventilation, ropes, ladders, fire hose appliances, and streams; foam fire streams; fire control, salvage, overhaul, emergency medical care, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); rescue; water supplies and sprinklers; hazardous materials; fire prevention and public fire education; and fire cause determination.

Education. For entry into this specialty, completion of high school with courses in chemistry, general science, and mathematics is desirable.

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Fire Protection is available in the following units
Every individual has a unique combination of abilities, experience and interests. This is where you tell us about yours, so the Air Guard can match you up with the career that's right for you.
Classes taken in high school or college (Click all that apply):
Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Scores (required):