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Critical Infrastructure Protection

America's prosperity and economic strength depends on our nation's intricate system of critical infrastructure networks. From the millions of miles of electric transmission lines to our comprehensive telecommunications and information systems, the protection of these essential resources requires that continuous enhancements be made to improve them as they are challenged by age, natural disasters and terrorism.

As a Federally Funded Research and Development Center, Idaho National Laboratory has the ability to apply unique assets and capabilities to these challenges and develop solutions that protect and sustain infrastructure resiliency and operational reliability. We perform research, conduct training and develop technology in the following areas:

  • Control Systems Cyber Security
  • Testing, Evaluation and Demonstration
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Physical Security

Control Systems Cyber Security

Our expertise in identifying and reducing vulnerabilities in industrial control systems including supervisory control and data acquisition systems, distributed control systems and energy management systems is internationally recognized.

As a leader in this field we operate and maintain a dedicated control systems and cybersecurity testing center, and manage federal programs such as the Department of Energy's National SCADA Test Bed and the Department of Homeland Security's Control System Security Program.

Testing and Evaluation

The INL's 890-square mile Critical Infrastructure Test Range provides customers with access to isolated, secure space complete with industrial-scale infrastructure components that can be used for conducting comprehensive interoperability, vulnerability and risk assessments.

The laboratory's Test Range includes access to hundreds of infrastructure protection and cybersecurity experts, and assets such as an isolatable transmission and distribution system, a comprehensive communications test bed, and legacy nuclear reactor and fuel facilities.

Modeling and Simulation

The laboratory's infrastructure protection programs include the development and use of advanced modeling and simulation technologies that provide quick and reliable analysis of complex infrastructure interactions and interdependencies.

In 2007, the laboratory procured the nation's only Real Time Digital Simulator certified for government applications. This system and our trained experts provide federal and industrial customers with real-time consequence analysis of power grid interdependencies.

Our engineers have also developed modeling and simulation tools such as the Critical Infrastructure Modeling Simulation (CIMS), and the Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Simulator (CIPRSim) which visually portrays the interactions between infrastructure components.

Physical Security

INL provides an isolated and secure location for increasing physical security measures and techniques at critical infrastructure facilities. We manage and operate a comprehensive explosives test range for ballistic impact and structural integrity testing. We also operated the National Nuclear Security Administration's Center of Excellence for Vulnerability Analysis and routinely conduct performance testing on emerging security infrastructure protection technologies such as advanced radar systems, and unmanned autonomous vehicles.

Defense Systems & Technology

Safeguarding our soldiers involved in global conflicts requires innovative solutions that meet and exceed the challenges faced in modern warfare. INL has a long history of supporting our servicemen and women both at home and abroad.

We work with all branches of the U.S. military, private industry and other federal agencies to develop innovative technologies and provide technical assistance in areas including:

  • Armor and Survivability
  • Explosives Detection and Testing
  • Unmanned Robotics Systems
  • CBRNE Programs
  • Page Contact Information:

    Department of energy

    DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
    DOE-Idaho Office