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The Maritime domain supports the United States’ efforts for full Maritime Domain Awareness: "the effective understanding of anything associated with the global maritime domain that could impact the United States’ security, safety, economy, or environment."

Such an understanding is possible only with the effective, timely sharing of vital, secure information among many key partners. According to a memo released by the NIEM Executive Director on November 25, 2008, regarding the partnership between NIEM and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to support maritime information exchange, "...the inclusion of maritime information exchange data components in NIEM offers the potential for much greater information sharing at lower costs to state and local law enforcement and homeland security professionals who have a need to share information about maritime activities and events."

The Maritime domain supports the effective understanding of anything associated with the global maritime domain that could impact the United States' security, safety, economy, or environment. NIEM facilitates this understanding through effective, timely sharing of vital, secure information among many key partners by representing vessels, people, cargo, and maritime locations and activities.

NIEM Domain Content

Download the NIEM 2.1 schemas as a .zip file.

The data elements represented in this domain are those necessary to exchange complete information to give partners a complete common operating picture of maritime security. This domain is the result of extensive efforts to harmonize content from the Maritime Information Exchange Model 1.0 (MIEM) and bring it into conformance with the NIEM Naming and Design Rules (NDR, v1.3).

Domain Stewardship

The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security are currently partnering to sponsor this domain and maintain the exchange model. Other federal agencies, as well as local and state law enforcement agencies in port cities and coastal regions, are also stakeholders in managing this domain.


