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TCM Virtual Mission


TCM Virtual will perform as The Army's centralized planner, manager, and integrator for all combat developments associated with virtual simulators, simulations, and other components of the virtual training environment.


TCM Virtual Mission Tasks

  • Support Overseas Contingency Operations by providing relevant virtual training that effectively supports unit, team and individual training, with priority to deploying units and leaders transition team training and Initial Military Training; support implementation of ARFORGEN.
  • Rapidly develop the future virtual training environment; ensure it replicates full spectrum operations by the Modular Force and balances lethal and non-lethal operations.
  • Plan, manage and integrate virtual training capabilities into requirements for training enablers to support Current and Future Force operational systems; develop the future virtual training environment to support the Army’s Integrated Training Environment.
  • Provide requirements and priorities to the materiel developer and support POM submission development, Program Budget Reviews, and other elements of the Training Support System.
  • Serve as the user representative throughout the life-cycle of virtual TADSS, providing oversight for fielding, testing and evaluation, and utilization of virtual simulators and simulations.
  • Identify science and technology initiatives with potential application to virtual training requirements and solutions.


Last Reviewed: April 27, 2012

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