Image of Maroon Bells near Aspen

Nestled in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, the 2.3 million acre White River National Forest is the top recreation Forest in the nation. Home to world-renowned ski resorts and the birthplace of Wilderness, the White River has something to offer every outdoor enthusiast.


White River National Forest Oil and Gas Leasing EIS

White River National Forest Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Environmental Impact Statement video The Oil and Gas Leasing EIS proposes land availability and lease stipulations for the entire 2.3 million acre White River National Forest. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) has been prepared and is now available for public comment. Comments will be accepted for 60 days following publication of a Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. The Environmental Protection Agency publishes NOAs every Friday. Written comments may be submitted to: White River National Forest-Oil and Gas Leasing DEIS, PO Box 1919, Sacramento, CA 95812; FAX 916.456.6724; or

2012 Capitol Christmas Tree

Capitol Christmas Tree

The White River National Forest is honored to have been chosen to provide the 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree - Colorado's Gift to the Nation! The White River will partner with nonprofit 'Choose Outdoors' to transport the tree from the Blanco Ranger District in northwest Colorado to Washington, D.C., where it will be placed on the Capitol lawn…

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Camp Hale Area Closures in Effect

The reason for the closures is to provide for public safety by preventing contact with asbestos in the Camp Hale National Historic Site.

WRNF Travel Management Implementation

Image of Forest 2-track road

The Forest Service has completed a comprehensive plan which balances the travel and recreation needs of the public
with the management and protection of natural resources.


Emergency Cave Closures and White Nose Syndrome

Bats exhibiting signs of White Nose Syndrome

The U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region has extended an emergency order closing caves and abandoned mines on national forests and national grasslands...

Conservation and Collaboration

Aspen non-profit For the Forest produced this film to showcase collaborative stewardship efforts on the White River NF.

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