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Public Notices

The following Justifications and Approvals are posted in accordance with FAR 6.305:

Justifications and Approvals:

  Contract Information Point of Contact
Bullet  G12PC00006, January 24, 2012 Jeffrey Caravelli, 916-278-9341
Bullet  G12PS00073, January 25, 2012 Kevin Weaver, 228-688-3119
Bullet  G12PC00014, February 23, 2012 Theodore Peck, 916-278-9441
Bullet  G12PS00171, February 28, 2012 Katherine Vultaggio, 703-648-7329
Bullet  G12PC00015, March 20, 2012 Theodore Peck, 916-278-9441
Bullet  G12PA00018, March 27, 2012 Jeffrey Caravelli, 916-278-9341
Bullet  G12PC00018, April 3, 2012 Verita Friesner, 916-278-9328
Bullet   G12PS00373, May 2, 2012 Katherine Vultaggio, 703-648-7329
Bullet Sutron Corporation, June 14, 2012 Kevin Weaver, 228-688-3119

G08PC90074 Teledyne RD Instruments, June 14, 2012

G08PC90074 Teledyne RD Instruments, Redacted June 19, 2012

Kevin Weaver, 228-688-3119
Bullet RiverRay, June 19, 2012 Kevin Weaver, 228-688-3119
Bullet G08PC90067 YSI, June 19, 2012 Kevin Weaver, 228-688-3119
Bullet G12PS00518, July 11, 2012 Katherine Vultaggio, 703-648-7329
Bullet G12PS00644, July 31, 2012 Katherine Vultaggio, 703-648-7329
Bullet  G12PX00834, July 31, 2012 Maria Seda, 703-648-7362
Bullet  G12PX00836, July 31, 2012

Maria Seda, 703-648-7362

Bullet  G12PD01015, July 31, 2012 Cristina Vega, 703-648-7319
Bullet  0040046113, September 12, 2012 Cristina Vega, 703-648-7319
Bullet  G12PD00910, September 12, 2012 Cristina Vega, 703-648-7319
Bullet  G12PC00054, September 13, 2012 Lynda McCarthy, 703-648-7394

Draft Statements of Work and Solicitations:

Bullet 09HQSS0031, Architectural and Engineering Services
Robin Doyle
Bullet 10HQSS0045, Commercial Remotely Sensed Satellite Data Joanne Lowe, 703-648-7393
RFI Drawings:
  RFI Mercury 10HQ37-NO Solicitation Joanne Lowe, 703-648-7393

Contact for more information: Scott Morton
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Last modified: 13-Sep-2012@10:12