Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program

The Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program funds the development and implementation of drug treatment courts in state and local jurisdictions. Drug courts are used to avoid incarceration for nonviolent offenders who have substance abuse issues. This program integrates substance abuse treatment, mandatory drug testing, sanctions and incentives, and transitional services to treat the problems of addiction in a judicial supervised setting. Not only is this program successful for these nonviolent offenders, it is also very cost-effective for the often overburdened local judicial system.

Funds awarded to eligible judicial systems include court services and offender services, but also go to non-treatment recovery support services such as job training and placement, housing placement assistance, education, mental health services, and family support services. This program provides an alternative to incarceration for those who struggle with addiction, which can be an impediment to maintaining housing stability.

View the program website

Eligible Applicants:

State and local courts are eligible for funding for development, maintenance, and expansion of drug court services.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Nonviolent offenders arrested for illegal substance possession, most of whom have an addiction, are the primary beneficiaries of the program.

Funding Mechanism:

Competitive discretionary grants are awarded annually to eligible applicants by the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Assistance.