General Information

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Mary Jane Bartholomew

Meteorology Associate II


  • Washington State University, B.S., Geology
  • University of Connecticut, M.S., Geology

Professional Affiliations

  • Geological Society of America
  • American Geophysical Union

Areas of Interest

  • Aerosol optical thickness measurements over the worlds oceans, satellite correction algorithms for aerosol optical thickness and aerosol climate forcing


  • Many years experience in visible and infrared remote sensing of Earth, other planets, asteroids, comets and aerosols
  • Currently: Member of the scientific staff at Brookhaven National Laboratory

Selected Publications (since 2009)

Bartholomew, M. J., Reynolds, R. M., Vogelmann, A. M., Min, Q., Edwards, R., and Smith, S. Design of a Shadowband Spectral Radiometer for the Retrieval of Thin Cloud Optical Depth, Liquid Water Path, and the Effective Radius. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 28, 1458-1465, doi:10.1175/jtech-d-11-00039.1 (2011).

Yin, B., Min, Q., Duan, M., Bartholomew, M. J., Vogelmann, A. M., and Turner, D. D. Retrievals of cloud optical depth and effective radius from Thin-Cloud Rotating Shadowband Radiometer measurements. J. Geophys. Res. 116, D23208, doi:10.1029/2011JD016192 (2011).

Williams, E., Nathou, N., Hicks, E., Pontikis, C., Russell, B., Miller, M., and Bartholomew, M. J. The electrification of dust-lofting gust fronts (‘haboobs’) in the Sahel. Atmos. Res. 91, 292–298 (2009).