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From paralegal to war fighter
Lt. Gen. Robin Rand presents Staff Sgt. Dallas Brewer with the Air Force Combat Action Medal at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., June 19, 2012, for combat actions while deployed to Afghanistan. Rand is the 12th Air Force commander and Brewer is with the judge advocate office. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Kelly Ogden)
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 Through Airmen's Eyes
Through Airmen's eyes: From paralegal to war fighter

Posted 7/24/2012 Email story   Print story


by Senior Airman Brittany Dowdle
12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) Public Affairs

7/24/2012 - DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. (AFNS) -- (This feature is part of the "Through Airmen's Eyes" series on These stories focus on a single Airman, highlighting their Air Force story.)

One day he was helping someone with a power of attorney as a paralegal and the next day he helped protect unarmed colleagues from enemy fire in a war zone. This is how one staff sergeant went beyond his everyday job to help his fellow service members.

For his actions, Staff Sgt. Dallas Brewer, a 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) military justice paralegal, was awarded the Air Force Combat Action Medal here June 19.
Brewer was deployed to Headquarters International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, Afghanistan, from November 2010 to November 2011 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

As a military justice paralegal, the everyday job for Brewer included processing court martials, Articles 15, demotions and normal paralegal duties.

"When we're deployed, we don't do the same thing we do in the states," Brewer said. "We conduct death investigations, wrongful death investigations, witness interviews with locals and all kinds of different things that you don't see at home station."

On Sept.13, 2011, Brewer and several coworkers received a notification that the rear gate of their camp was under attack and may have been breached.

"We were guarding a vehicle entry gate into the compound when we got word over the radio that the enemy had breached the facility and they were on camp," Brewer said. "At that point, we donned our gear and provided shelter for two unarmed allied colleagues."

During the complex enemy attack on the ISAF compound, which included fire from 82 mm recoilless rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and machine guns, Brewer and his team were directed to set up a point defense position around the work facility.

"We knew we were getting shot at, but we weren't sure from where at first," Brewer said. "We could hear the whistling of the RPG and see them coming across. We were outside while all of this was going on for about three hours."

Despite grave danger to himself and his colleagues, Brewer remained at his assigned post, defending the area until an instruction order was given for personnel to cease fire and retreat to hardened facilities.

Brewer and the team broke from their point of defense and escorted unarmed personnel to an interior hardened building.

"We did sweeps of the compound and, once it was determined that no one was able to breech the compound, we escorted the unarmed individuals to a secure facility," Brewer said. "We provided security during the clearing of the Marriott building, which took about 48 hours."

Lt. Gen. Robin Rand, the 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern) commander, presented Brewer with the Air Force Combat Action medal in recognition of his actions on June 19, 2012.

Despite the award, Brewer remained humble.

"It wasn't something that we had planned to do," Brewer said. "I didn't do anything spectacular. We just followed orders. It was just something that had happened because I did my job."

8/15/2012 5:10:03 PM ET
I agree with TSgt Defender dont fault Brewer getting an award and you not because you have lazy supervisors. Good for him. Sorry for all you cops out there who think the only one in a war zone in danger is you it is a war zone. The real question I have is still why have we been in combat for 12 years Afghanistan and Iraq and no AF members have earned the Medal of Honor We really havent done anything to merit one yet
8/5/2012 5:11:37 AM ET
@ A1C Moore most of these people are with the Air Force. Your line in regards to whether or not he directly fired his weapon is what this is all about. You might want to read the merits and requirements of the award and understand this is a huge issue. It all goes to the same point on what actions he did to earn the award. Bottom line while yes he was in a combat zone and there was enemy around him he was not directly engaged. If this was the cases for all these awards everybody on BAF and KAF would have one.....we're in a hostile land and combat zone.
Grave Danger, deployed again
8/1/2012 3:07:58 AM ET
This again brings back bad memories of Bronze Stars........No offense but many of my Defenders who were actually engaged in direct action never saw a medalcommedationaward and while I hold seinor leadership responsible for not recognizing their own people before themselves I continue to question how strict the review process is regarding accomplishments like this. I have the leg to stand on and criticize things like this.
TSgt_Defender, AFGSC Defender
7/31/2012 4:56:42 AM ET
Not to take away from what he was awarded, but i thought that by definition to be awarded the AFCAM you had to participate in combat action outside the wire when your AFSC was not a battlefield airman AFSC. So should he have been given one for being on base during a ground attack? Where is my AFCAM for being at KAF when they tried to breach the perimeter then?
cj, moody
7/30/2012 7:23:32 PM ET
I really hope all you nay-sayers aren't AF-related. You are really not putting on a good show for us if you are. Whether he was directly fired upon or not is of little concern here. He outside of his normal duties was an outstanding wingman to his colleagues putting his life on the line. No one but our enemies determine where the bullets fly. You all should be proud that should for some reason you are unable to fire a weapon a man like SSgt Brewer would be there to defend you.
A1C Moore, DM AFB
7/28/2012 10:41:06 PM ET
You have got to be kidding me. When did he engage with the enemy He donned his gear WTH Security Forces are already donned and actually engage in combat. You're telling me because he provided 360 security a normal routine he gets a CAM The AF should be ashamed of themselves. But then he stated they do investigations Haha that's too funny. Maybe an interview that's about it. There has been many service members that were passed over for medals they deserved while serving in Iraq and Afghan when it was rightfully due. SMH We're just passing out medals nowadays. But what can I expect before I left Langley there was a 3-star retiring that never deployed in over 30 years of service. We've become a fixed Air Force.
GraveyD, Keesler AFB
7/28/2012 10:11:04 PM ET
PB by your logic and understanding of the requirement every single one of my in the Air Force who have deployed to OIFOEF would have a combat action medal. Give me a break take pride in medals being handed out to those who don't meet criteria Not while there have been MANY who have actually been engaged with direct lethal fire and were denied. Just like the Finance BSMs this detracts from the merit deserved by those who have EARNED it.
Defender, Kabul
7/28/2012 5:01:36 AM ET
I wonder if they look at AFSC's when reviewing the pacakges. More importantly what combat AFSC's are sitting on the board
Grave Danger, deployed again
7/27/2012 2:10:17 PM ET
The criteria for the Air Force Combat Action Medal states in part that an Airman has to be engaged in ground combat with an enemy. This officer fulfilled that requirement therefore he qualifies for the medal. It's that simple. Let's stop responding from envy and respond from pride in brothers and sisters.
7/27/2012 8:00:22 AM ET
Gotta disagree Chief. While I'm sure you can vouch he is a sharp Airman not seeing where his actions as written in this article met the criteria for the AFCAM but we're just handing medals out to anyone anymore so...-- Encampments compounds and protected areaa inside the defended perimeter will normally not qualify as venues for this award unless the individual is serving in a defensive capacity taking fire and engaging the enemy. Augmenting a defensive fighting position and taking fire regardless official duties would also qualify as combat action if all other criteria were met. Receiving mortars responding to alarm condition reporting to bunkers do not independently constitute combat action for the purpose of this award. However should combat conditions arise out of such events then exceptions to policy with full justification can be submitted
Defender, Kabul
7/27/2012 7:09:52 AM ET
Being in a BAM's career field I have had teammates in similar situations and were denied due to the fact that the individuals did not return fire despite multiple injuries while calling for MEDEVAC and requesting a certain type of support. Whether water downed or not he did do a good job but requirements should not be negated due to the Airmans situation. The following are the requirements according to AFPC.
Chris, Afghanistan
7/26/2012 12:53:47 PM ET
Although I praise the Staff Sergants courage of remaining at his post, He did nothing heroic. He didn't discharge his weapon, recieve direct fire on his position or aid in any type of combat manuever to prevent the enemy from successfully attacking. He geared up and sat there. The same as 30 or more other airmen. Not really what you would call going above and beyond. This looks like another Bronze Star for Finance. I believe the award for doing your job is a meritorious service medal not a Bronze star. Just sayin.
gabe, acc
7/26/2012 11:12:16 AM ET
MikeApparently you are either unfamiliar with the criteria for the medal or unaware that this decoration is scrutinized by a board heavily vetted in warfare so that in fact it never becomes water downed. From one Airman to another please allow me to vouch for SSgt Dallas Brewer he is a warrior...every day. CMSgt Gerardo Tapia 12 AFCCC.
Gerardo Tapia, DM AFB
7/25/2012 8:14:03 AM ET
So... he didn't actually have direct fire at him and he didn't discharge his weapon which are conditions laid out to receive the AFCAM Guess my unit that did similar items on the same day and many more days like it and worse through my 365 deployment should all get them as well Sucks to see they are already watering down this medal.
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