Inventors Eye
April 2010 0

The USPTO's bimonthly publication for the independent inventor community

The USPTO gives you useful information and non-legal advice in the areas of patents and trademarsk in Inventors Eye. The patent and rdemark statues and reulations should be consulted before attempting to apply for a patent or register a trademark. These laws and the application preocess can be complicated. If you have intellectual property that could be patented or registered as a trademark, the use of an ttorney or agent who is qualified to represent you in the USPTO is advised.


in this issue
The National Inventors Hall of Fame
Sixteen new members inducted
By Jeff Look : Public Affairs
Provisional Patent Applications:
What You Need to Know

By John Calvert : Inventors Assistance Program
Spark of Genius
Simon Says: Invent.

By Jeff Look : Public Affairs
Special Status?
Where Independent Inventors Meet
Organizations for Inventors


past issues


What does the USPTO do
for independent inventors?