Inventors Eye
Inventors Eye Jun Jul 2011: The USPTO's bimonthly publication for the independent inventor community0

The USPTO's bimonthly publication for the independent inventor community

Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Directgor of the USPTO David Kappos (right front) talks with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith after Kappos' House testimony March 30.

An Update on Patent Reform

It appears that the long battle to pass patent reform legislation – spanning nearly 10 years and five Congressional cycles – is nearing its end. The Senate passed its version of patent reform, S.23 the “America Invents Act,” in March by a wide margin of 95-5 and the House is expected to bring its version, H.R.1249 to the House floor in June.

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A Message from the Associate Commissioner

Welcome, everyone, to the latest edition of Inventors Eye. By now, this bimonthly publication has established itself as an important part of the USPTO’s ongoing outreach to independent and small entity inventors.

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 Richard Maulsby
Startup America: Reducing Barriers Roundtables

The economic security and vitality of the United States has always been deeply rooted in American innovation. Time and time again, the story of our growth has been written by the daring drive of entrepreneurs, willing to roll the dice on a great idea. 

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spark of genius

How would you like to have a house that worked for you while keeping your carbon footprint at a minimum? Michael Sykes has the solution─his patented Enertia® Building System.

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 Michael Sykes
  A grassy lightbulb in an open field with blue skies
Accelerated Review of Green Technology Patent Applications

There have been modifications to the USPTO's green technology pilot program.
  A calendar clock
Where Inventors Meet

USPTO's Online Inventor Chat June 23 and more near you.
  A networking organization symbolized by different colored and connected spheres

Organizations and resources for the independent inventor community.
in this issue
An Update on Patent Reform
By Richard Maulsby : Associate Commissioner for Innovation Development
A Message from the Associate Commissioner
By Richard Maulsby : Associate Commissioner for Innovation Development
Startup America: Reducing Barriers Roundtables
By Elizabeth Dougherty : Office of Patent Legal Administration
Spark of Genius
By John Calvert : Inventors Assistance Center
Accelerated Review of Green Technology Patent Applications
Where Inventors Meet
Organizations for Inventors


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volume three issue three
volume three issue two
volume three issue one
volume two issue six
volume two issue five
volume two issue four
volume two issue three
volume two issue two
volume two issue one
volume one issue five
volume one issue four
volume one issue three
volume one issue two
volume one issue one
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