Home About Us What We Investigate Violent Crime & Major Thefts

Violent Crime and Major Thefts


Murder, violence, kidnapping, theft—they come at a high cost to our communities and families.

That’s why even in this post 9/11 era, the FBI continues to play a key role in combating violent crime and major thefts in big cities and small towns across the nation. Thousands of our agents work closely with their state and local partners on investigations and joint task forces. We have a surge capacity that can be tapped into during major cases, and we make our many capabilities available upon request—from evidence experts to behavioral analysts.

Beyond our casework, we’re always looking at the bigger picture-analyzing trends and threats and sharing that intelligence with our partners. We’ve also built and continue to manage a criminal justice support structure for the entire law enforcement community, including databases of crime records.

In Depth

Violent Crime
- Bank Robbery
- Gangs
- Kidnapping
- Murder for Hire
- Serial Killings

Major Thefts
- Art Theft
- Cargo Theft

- Copper Theft
- Jewelry and Gems
- Organized Retail Theft
- Vehicle Theft

Threats & Crime Statistics
- Crime Statistics
- Crimes in Schools & Colleges
- National Gang Threat Assessment
- School Shooter Threat Perspective (pdf)
- Serial Murder
- Workplace Violence (pdf)

Other Programs
- Crimes Against Children | Online Predators
- Cruise Ship Crime
- Indian Country Crime

Wanted by the FBI
- Ten Most Wanted Fugitives
- Crimes Against Children
- Kidnappings, Missing Persons
- Murder & Other Violent Crimes
- Parental Kidnappings
- Unknown Bank Robbers

Support Services
- Crisis Negotiation
- Digital Crime Labs
- FBI Laboratory
- Fingerprints/Crime Records
- Hostage Rescue Team
- National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
- Victim Assistance
- Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP)
- More Services


In the News
Brian Terry Murder Fugitives (Angled)

Murder Fugitives Sought
A $1 million reward is being offered for four men suspected in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Details

More News & Features

Boston: Seven members of kidnapping group that tracks victims with GPS devices charged.
Washington: Man gets 10 years for armed robberies of drivers delivering Apple products.
Richmond: Man pleads guilty in connection with murder in hospital parking lot.




Inside Art Crime
Learn how the experts on
our Art Crime team recover
valuable art and artifacts.




Intel at Work
road2.jpg Our Highway Serial Killings Initiative is helping to link unsolved cases and identify suspects nationwide. Details




FBI Services
Are you a victim in one of our violent crime cases…and need help? Then please contact our Office for Victim Assistance.