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Creating an Iron Understudy

Designer particles stand in for layers of subsurface minerals

September 2012
Results: To understand how underground pollutants react with magnetite and other minerals, scientists need an easy-to-use mineral stand-in. An international team led by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory created analogous particles with precisely tuned amounts of relatively reactive iron, or Fe(II), and less reactive iron, Fe(III), to match natural conditions. Tuning this Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio dials in the desired amount of iron reactivity.  To test their process, the team created tiny iron oxide spheres similar to magnetite, except with titanium added to control the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio directly.

Project Won to Lead Black Carbon Research in Russian Arctic

Selection based on expertise in greenhouse gas emissions assessment, mitigation techniques

September 2012
Battelle, which operates Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, has won a $1M contract to assess levels of black carbon in the Arctic and test techniques to reduce these greenhouse gas sources. As part of the cooperative agreement with Environmental Protection Agency, over the next 3 years researchers working at the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI) will provide technical expertise and project management for baseline emissions inventories of black carbon from diesel burning.

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